Chapter 10

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2 months later

Bella's pov

Today is the day I'm due to have my baby but right now I am in the thrown room sitting on a couch that Aro put in for me to rest on so I'm watching TV and while I was watching tv Charlotte came into the thrown room and she said mommy can I go shopping with Jane and I thought about it for a minute and I said no baby it's to dangerous especially with someone I barley know and Lottie said fine and ran out the room crying and so I got off of the couch and I went to run after her but instead I got pains in my stomach and I screamed out in pain and I fell to the ground.

As I fell to the ground I heard the thrown door open and I heard someone run up to me and I looked up and saw it was Jane and she said Bella what's wrong and I said gasping through the pain baby coming now get doctor and so she then end out of the room and a couple of minutes later Jane and the doctor ran back into the room and slid onto the floor and stopped beside me and then the doctor said as he took my pants off and looked up my bottom ok Bella it's time start pushing and I said while still screaming in pain and as Charlotte ran into the room and ran over to me ok doctor I'm sore.

The doctor said push now and it will be over and I said as I started pushing ok doctor and I screamed and pushed for about 5 minutes long and the finally I heard a cry and I felt the doctor pull the baby out of my bottom and then the doctor said congratulations Bella it's a boy and I said thank goodness but before I could say anything else I got another sharp pain in my stomach and I said excuse me doctor I think something is wrong.

The doctor then said ok let's have a look and then he handed my son to Jane and then he got back down to my bottom and he said as Charlotte took my hand ok yes Bella I'm sorry to say but the is another baby and I need you to push and I said ok fine and I started to push again and I pushed until I heard another cry and the the doctor said ok Bella it's another boy and I said as the doctor give me my youngest baby and Jane gave me my second oldest child 2 lovely boys how wonderful and then Charlotte said mommy what are their names.

I then said as I looked at Lottie sweetie their names are Oliver and Austin and then Lottie said they are lovely names mommy and then Jane said as I stood up Bella now that means you have to go and I said yeah I suppose so because my family still think I've been kidnapped and Jane said yeah your right and then Lottie said mommy can't we stay and I said no I'm sorry baby but I'm getting married soon and then Lottie said ok and the Jane said but Bella these last few months me and Alec have thought of you as our mother.

I said as I looked at Jane yeah I know I've thought of you both as my kids too and then Jane said please can you stay and I said as I looked to Jane no I can't I have to get home but how about you ask Aro can you and Alec come with us and be apart of our family and then Charlotte said as she started jumping up and down yes yes please thank you mommy and then Jane said as she ran out of the room as I put Oliver and Austin in their cots and started packing yes thank you Bella I'll be back and I just said yeah ok as I started to laugh.

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