Chapter 20

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Bella's pov

As I got downstairs I took my phone out of my pocket and I dialled my friend Caroline's number and she answered and said Bella is that you and I said yes it is and then Caroline screamed down the phone ahhhhhhh oh my god your back and I said yeah I'm back and I need your help and she said ok what's up and then I said well I need you to use you charm and get me some of Klaus blood.

Caroline then gasped and said ok but why and then I said well I'm bringing back my kids and I need the blood of there killers and Caroline said ok I'll see what I can do you'll get it maybe tomorrow night and I said ok thanks Caroline see you soon and she said yeah you too and she hung up and so did I and then I took a breath and dialled my brother Sam's number and on the 5 ring he picked up and he said yes who is this.

I said hey Sam it's me and Sam said Bella is it really you and I said yeah it is um is everyone with you and Sam said yeah we have been looking all over for you Paul is worried sick and I said yeah ok whatever put me on speaker and Sam said yeah ok and he pressed a button on his phone and he said ok Bella your on speaker and I said ok good now I have to tell you something but first I want to apologise to you all and then Paul said no Bella it's us that should be saying sorry not you after all we did kill your kids.

I said yeah well that you did but I mean I am sorry for leaving the way I did I just need time to progress what happened and then my mom said Bella where are the kids and I said I'm at my brothers house and the kids are in their rooms and then Embry said Bella we had to do it I'm sorry and I said I don't care all you need to know is that I forgive you all and that I have a way to bring them back plus my daughter Bree and Jacob said wait how and I said in my home town there a vampires, wolves and witches and one of my best friends is a witch and I asked her to bring them back but she said no because she was too weak from the last spell she did so instead she made me one.

Then Leah said wait what how can you your already half vampire and wolf and I said yeah I know that so she removed my vampire and replaced it with witch and then I heard them all gasp and then Brady said so what your a witch now and I said yeah I am I can do anything including healing and bringing people back from the dead and then Paul said what so your bringing back Jane, Alec and Bree and I said yeah but I can't do it yet and my dad then said why not.

So I said because I need the blood of the people that killed them for the spell to work and Sam said what so you want us to come to you and I said yeah I would if you wouldn't mind and then Jacob said ok we will be their by tomorrow afternoon and I said ok thanks and then as I was about to hang up my dad said Bella Bree was killed by Klaus how you going to get his blood and I said oh don't worry I have someone you see Klaus is madly in love with one of my other friends called Caroline and I've asked her to get the blood for me and then I hung up as I got into the kitchen to see Stefan and Damon looking at my spell book.

So I said hey put it down and then both Damon and Stefan just laughed and said sure ok and put the book down and then Damon said ok so did you do what you needed and I said yeah the pack will be here tomorrow afternoon and Caroline said she will have the blood by tomorrow night now I'm going to bed and then both Stefan and Damon said ok night sis and so I just smiled and said you too and walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room and when I was inside I got changed into my PJ's and I got into bed and I fell to sleep.

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