Chapter 6

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5 years later

Bella's pov

It's been 5 years now since I left Stefan and Damon and moved back to be with my real family and since then I found out that I was to become a wolf and for 4 years Jasper stopped that from happening but last year I told him to stop and to just let it happen because I don't care about becoming one anymore and then a couple of months after he stopped using his power on me I phased and it was so sore with my bones breaking and all but it was also class and it turned out that I was a black wolf just like Sam and since then I have been patrolling the reservation with the pack.

So I have also found my soul mate Paul and we have been really close I mean 4 months back he asked me to marry him and I said yes and when I said yes we went and told my family and the pack about us getting married and they were all so happy about it and to be honest so am I and on the night I said yes we had amazing sex which actually got me pregnant and once we found out the next morning we told everyone my family, Paul's family and the pack and they were all just thrilled and so right now I am 4 months into a pregnancy that I am going to love.

Since I left mystic falls we haven't heard or seen anything on Klaus so I think I'm safe I hope for the sake of my Lottie that's what I call Charlotte and I have been thinking a lot over the past couple of days and I'm going to tell everyone today about Charlotte because now that me and Paul are getting married and having a kid together he'd want to know that I have another child and that the father is a vampire his name is Elijah I haven't seen him since I give birth to Lottie and I'm really worried.

Right now I am on my way downstairs to tell everyone about Lottie so when I got into the living room I said everyone I need to speck to you and then just like that they all appeared in the living room even the Cullen's so I said I have something to tell you all and then my mom said ok what is it Bella sweetie and I said well when I was 11 years old I ran away from Stefan and Damon but when I ran away I was kidnapped off of the street and I was took to this house and I was made to have sex with a man named Elijah and now that I think of it I think he was a vampire like the vampire Stefan and Damon are and he got me pregnant.

Then after that was kept in the house until I was ready to give birth but when that happened everyone was distracted so I managed to get away and I ran as best as I could until I got to this house and when I got there I met a man and woman called Peter and Charlotte they were really nice and they helped me give birth and I named her Charlotte after the woman but I asked both Charlotte and Peter to raise my baby and to kept her safe and then Jasper said I know them both they helped me when I got out of Maria's army.

I then said I haven't seen Lottie since then and I haven't told anyone Stefan or Damon don't even know about Lottie and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before and then Paul walked over to me and he said as he hugged me its ok baby we aren't upset and we are going to help you find Charlotte no matter what ok and I said as I hugged Paul back thank you Paul I love be you and Paul said I love you to babe and then I heard someone say from outside Bella come out please I know your there I have your daughter here and she really wants to meet her mother and as I went to go out Sam grabbed me and pulled me back and he said we will sort this you stay put.

I said as both the pack and Cullen's went outside ok but get my baby back and then after my mom and dad pulled me close and hugged me but then I heard whines and growls and I knew Klaus was hurting my family but then all of a sudden I heard a little girl scream and I knew it was Lottie so I ran out of my mom and dad's arms and I ran outside to see all the Cullen's bodies ripped up and burnt so I knew they were dead.

Then I looked to the ground and I saw the pack and my brothers Sam and Embry and my Imprint Paul in their human forms all beaten up and then I looked up and in front of me I saw that there was 4 men and 1 woman standing there and one of the men which I remembered from the grill back in mystic falls was holding a little girl by the neck and she looked just like me and right then I knew it was Charlotte and she was about 8 years old and she was so scared and so I ran over to them and I recognised another one of the men.

I said as I pointed to the second on I recognised you your the one that got me pregnant and the man that had my daughter said yes now your catching on and then I said as I looked at him let her go please she hasn't did anything to you and the man said oh I know I just needed to get you to come to me and when I found out about little Charlotte here I couldn't resist and as you can guess now I'm Klaus and then he said as he pointed to the others beside he and these are my brothers Elijah, Kol and Finn and then my sister Rebekah and then they all gave me smart smirks.

I then said as all the pack stood up and walked over to me so what I want my daughter back please and Elijah said she's not just yours she's mine to and then the pack all gasped and my brother Sam said oh my Bella no please god no and I said what what's wrong and then my mom said as she walked up to me Bella you gave birth to an original baby which means Charlotte has original blood not just your blood which means Klaus has the right to take her and go.

I said as I looked to Klaus what no please don't please if you let her go I'll come with you I promise I'll do what you ask of me I swear and then all of my family and the pack shouted what no Bella don't you don't know what things he'll do to you and then I said I have no choice she my daughter and then I looked at Klaus and I saw him smile and Elijah said we only let her go if you and Charlotte comes with us not just you and so I said as I looked back at my family fine we'll go with you I swear.

So Klaus looked at me and let Charlotte go and once he did she ran straight to me and she hugged me and said mommy mommy it's really you and I said yes baby it's me and I'm so sorry for leaving you but I was only 11 years old I was too young to look after a baby and Charlotte said its ok mommy I'm not mad and I said as I kissed her head I'm so glad baby girl and then I took her hand and I walked over to my mom and dad and I said Charlotte this is my mom and dad they are your grandma and grandpa and then Lottie said hi to them both and both mom and dad end up hugging her and then they let her go.

I then said as I looked at them both I'll be back I promise and then I hugged them back them and I said I love you and then I let go and I walked over to my brothers Sam and Embry and I said I will miss you big brothers so much and they both pulled me into a hug and said we will miss you to Bella and then once they let me go I looked to Lottie and I said Lottie baby this is my brothers Sam and Embry they are you uncles and Lottie said hi nice to meet you as she hugged Sam and Embry and then they hugged her back and then they let go and I moved on to Paul.

I said once I got to my lover Paul I love you babe and I always will no matter what happens to me while I'm with the originals I alway will love you and Paul said as he pulled me tight into a hug I love you to Bella I will miss you dearly and then we both kissed each other and it felt like it lasted for hours but really it was only a couple of seconds and then I said Lottie baby this is my fiancée Paul he will be your step father and he's really nice and Lottie said as she hugged Paul hi thank you for keeping my mommy happy.

Paul then said as he hugged Lottie back no problem kid and while your away you keep her safe and she'll keep you safe ok and Lottie said ok Paul I promise and then I just laughed and moved over to Jacob, Jared, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin and I said be safe please I will be back but I need you all to promise me you'll look after my mom, dad, Sam, Embry and Paul for me and then Jacob, Jared, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin all said of course Bella always and then I hugged them all.

I just then said I'll miss you all and they all said to me we will miss you to Bella and then I looked at Lottie and I said baby this is Jacob, Jared, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin they are my good friends and I suppose you could call them your uncles and aunties and Lottie hugged Jacob, Jared, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin and she said thank you for keeping my mommy safe and then Seth said no problem kid always and forever I say and then everyone laughed and then Klaus said its time to go Bella.

Then I said as I made my way over to Klaus and the other originals ok fine and once I got to then Klaus said well then let's go and I said as I grabbed Lottie's hand and looked back at my family I'll miss you all and then just like that both Klaus and Elijah grabbed ahold of me and Lottie and they took off running with their brothers and sister running behind them and they didn't stop running until we got to this big white house and I knew we definitely weren't in forks anymore that's for sure.

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