Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

When I woke I looked around and I saw I was in a bedroom and I was on a bed but I felt strange I felt so calm when all I wanted to do is be mad so I got off of the bed and I went over to the door and I opened it and when I did I heard a lot people talking and some of the voices I didn't recognise so I went downstairs and I went into the kitchen I went to the back door and I tried to open it but it was locked so I turned to go to the front door but I saw that my mom was standing there looking at me.

My mom said Bella please just let us help and I went to shout something but it came calmly no I don't want to turn simple as and my mom said please Bella come into the living room there are some people I want you to meet and I just said ok fine and I walked into the living room with my mom following behind me and once we got into the living room I saw that the whole pack was there plus 7 others so Sarah and Billy and and Sue and Harry and old Quil must have went home everyone turned and saw me when I got into in living room and then my dad said nice to see you awake Bella.

I just said what happened why did I fall asleep and then Sam said yeah well that is what we need to speak to you about and I said ok what's wrong now and my mom pointing to the each of the people standing on the left side of the pack said well the people over there are called the Cullen's and there names are Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice and they are vampires but only different vampires than Stefan and Damon and I said wait what no and I started getting really angry again.

I said just leave me the fuck alone I want to be human not supernatural I want to go back home and then all of a sudden I felt calm again but I knew I didn't want to be so I said what the heck mom why am I so calm and my mom said well some of the Cullen's have powers Alice can see the future and Edward can read minds and well Jasper can sense your emotions and can effect your emotions too and I said so the reason I feel so calm at the minute is because of him and then everyone in the room said yes.

Then I said well good that mean I won't have to change and then my brother Sam said well there is a catch Bella and I said what what is it now and then Sam said well because the Cullen's are vampires they aren't meant to be on our land unless we let them like we are doing now which means Jasper won't be able to help you after he leaves and I said as I looked at Sam please let him stay if he can stop me from phasing until I am at least 18 then I'd be so happy please Sam and Sam said Bella it's not up to me I'm not the alpha anymore and I said well who is.

Embry then said Jacob is and I said oh right then I looked at Jacob and I said Jacob please can he stay I don't want to phase yet and if Jasper can hold it off then I have to try please and Jacob said as he looked at the Cullen's ok fine just until Bella phases so what will happen is everywhere Bella goes Jasper will go just incase she get angry or upset ok and all the Cullen's said sure Jacob and then I said as I hugged Jacob thank you thank you thank you I'm going to be human and Jacob just laughed at me and once I let go my dad said Bella there is something else we need to tell you and Jasper need to be here for it just in case.

I just said as I sat down beside Sam on the couch ok so what is it and then Sam said as Jasper walked over to me and stood beside me well as wolves we do something called imprinting its when a wolf finds their soul mate and I said right ok so what has that got to do with me and then Sam said well it's to do with you because a wolf has imprinted on you and I said getting worried and once I got worried I felt a wave of calmness wash over me and I knew it was Jasper ok which wolf and Paul said me I have it happened last night when I pulled you back from the cliff.

So I just stood up and walked over to Paul and I said I felt it too I didn't know what it was but I felt it and I then hugged Paul and he hugged me back and then Sam said wait so your not mad and I said no why would I be I mean I want to be happy and Paul makes me happy and then my mom said as she and my dad walked over to me and hugged me so now that everything's sorted will you stay and I said yes I'll stay I actually kinda like it here now and my dad said that's a relieve and then everyone laughed and I said as I got kinda tired I'm sleepy I'm going to go to bed now.

Everyone in the room looked at me and said ok Bella and Paul took my hand and walked me upstairs and he brought me into the room I woke up in and he said this is your room and I said as I got into the bed thanks Paul can you stay with me and Paul said I'm not sure what your parents and brothers will say but yeah I'll stay and he got onto the bed with me and he put his arm around me and I fell asleep in his arms thinking of my future and how much I miss my little baby girl Charlotte that no one knows about not even Stefan or Damon knows and I regret not telling them now because if Klaus finds out about her he will go after he to get to me I just hope she's safe with my best friends Peter and Charlotte that's where she got here name from.

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