Introductions and Glances

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Here's another chapter, show some love guys.....


"Sam", I didn't realize that I said it out loud, which catches Sam's attention and he looks at me, the girl whose strangling him to death, loses her balance over her skyscraper heels, and falls down. I couldn't control and start laughing, I sober up and chuckle a little while shaking my head, that's when I notice Sam still watching me with a slight smile, that's the slightest of smiles ever possible. Why can't he just smile, it's so attractive, wait, what did I say. Rachel comes to me, and we head towards the cafeteria. Suddenly Rachel stops, I ask her what happened but she does not reply, I shake her by her shoulders, "Sam is back Myla, I thought he went to California, let's go meet him", she says with a big smile. Before I could answer somebody throws their arm over Rachel. I look up to see a cute guy with slightly blonde hair, brown eyes and with a smile staring down at Rachel. Rachel blushes and squeaks a "Hi", just by her reaction I figure out that this is definitely Adam. Rachel turns towards him and says "This is Myla my best friend, that I've been telling you about"

Adam looks at me and holds his hand out with a nice warm smile, "Hi, I'm Ad..", I interrupt him, "Adam, I know! Nice to meet you" I say, while shaking his hand. He looks at Rachel and then back at me, "Rachel can't stop talking about you, I figured you might be Adam, by the way she described you" I tell him while glancing at Rachel whose completely red by now, I don't know if that's because She's angry on me or just blushing, but I'd like to think it's the latter. Adam smirks at Rachel, she tries to hide her face with her hair acting as a curtain when she looks down. Without taking his eyes off Rachel, Adam asks me, "So Myla what else has your friend been talking about me" this catches Rachels attention she looks up with wide eyes. I just laugh while Rachel drags me to the café while muttering something under her breath while Adam and I just chuckle. As we collect our food and are heading towards a table, a girl is waving in our direction, I nudge Rachel and point towards the girl. Rachel smiles at her and waves back. There are two other guys sitting with her, out of which one is smiling at the girl, while the other is just eating his food and is sitting back completely relaxed. I follow Rachel and Adam to the girl's table. We take a seat, and Rachel introduces me to all her friends. The girl who was waving at us is Karen, she seems really sweet and welcoming. The relaxed and quite guy is Matt, while the other is Luke, Karen's boyfriend. "And everybody this is Mayla" Rachel smiles at me. "Welcome, to New York Mayla, we'll have a really great time together" Karen says smiling at me. I beam at her and agree with her. "Hi Mayla, nice to meet you" Luke says and I say a "Hey" in return. Matt just nods at me and I smile. I'm a very smiling person, what can I say.

"Hello everybody, and please save me" a voice said from behind me, I know this voice, something tells me I'll never forget it. It was Sam, he rounded the table and sat opposite me. "Can someone tell me if Jessica is a human being or a leach" Adam laughed to it, Sam lifted his head to look at him and started shaking his head. That's when he noticed me and just looked at me for a good five seconds, neither did I look away, I couldn't, his eyes were so beautiful and deep, why did I get a feeling that I've seen him somewhere before. "Myla" I heard Rach call, me, while she nudged me and everyone looked at me expectantly, "I'm sorry what was that, I just tend to zone out" I said with a smile. There's a party this week want to join? No, actually scratch that you're coming, we're not taking no for an answer, right guys" Karen looked at everyone, a chorus of yes and of course was heard, I just gave a little smile, all this while I could feel a pair of blue eyes on me, I felt uncomfortable, the intensity in them was too much, and I squirmed in my seat. I nodded and said that they can count me in to which Karen said that she already did. That girl was so warm and welcoming I swear. That's when I saw a smirk crossed the blue-eyed jerk's face and he looked down to his plate. I don't know why I'm being this way about him, but something in his stare is so powerful, makes me feel something foreign. It's strange.

"Is that a party I hear, and I'm not even bothered to be told about it" a guy wearing a black leather jacket and white shirt paired with a blue jean came into my view. He was pretty good looking. "As if you don't know about the parties in town Ryder, shut up and sit down, dramatic" Karen rolled her eyes at him Ryder sat next to Sam, and took a double look at me, and smirked, "Uh huh who do we have here, Hi I'm Ryder" he said extending his hand. "I'm Mayla", I introduced while shaking his hand. He didn't let go off my hand while muttering beautiful and kissing my knuckles. As soon as that happened Rachel and Karen screamed "Back off" at the same time. He just lifted his hands in a surrender position and said "chill ladies". "Keep your womaniser hands to yourself Ryder" Rachel glared at him, everybody chuckled at that while Ryder acted offended and said Rachel was heartless. Sam just gave him a look and continued with his burger. We were both stealing glances at each other. Don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to remember where do I know him from. Yeah sure, the voice said in my head. "First week of this college year, let's start with a blast" Ryder said lifting his fist in the air, everybody cheered including Sam, Matt and me the people who have been quite all this time.

"Saaaaaaamuel" an annoying voice! Sam left out a heavy sigh, and muttered something under his breath and everyone looked at the source of that annoying voice, no wait that was barely a voice it was a sound and very well a pathetic one. Jessica sauntered to our table and sat down beside Sam and batted her eyelashes at him. gag. She even ran her hand up and down Sam's chest. Double gag. He moved his chair away from her, a cold look passing his features, "There are three things you need to keep in mind Jessica, don't call me Samuel, keep your hands to yourself and for god sake stop eye raping me, mann!" I chuckled not so quietly, to which both of them looked at me, more like Jessica glared at me Sam gave me an amused look. Does he find me amusing or is there something on my face? His expressions barely changed but his eyes gave him away. He's just different but still seems known somehow. God, I need to stop. "But isn't that your name babyyyy" uhhh Jessica's sickening voice, no sound. "Why do girls throw themselves at you while all you do is ignore them, no hook ups, no relationships, I think you're gay sometimes" Ryder cried. Karen muttered dramatic under her breath again. Sam hit Ryder on his head and turned towards Jessica, "Jessica, two things again" what's with this man and counting "Yes, my name is Samuel, but I don't like it, it's Sam and I'm not your baby so don't call me that too." Everybody laughed and Jessica huffed in response. Sam just sat there without any expression, something didn't feel right, and he caught me looking at him, he looked at me for a few seconds and just got up to leave. Everybody waved and said their goodbyes wanting to head back.

Just when I was out of the cafeteria, "Bye, stubborn kid from play home" Sam's voice boomed in the hallways, I turned around and glared at him and all he did was smirk and walked away. I turned around and saw Rachel smirking at me, what's with smirking, is it a trait by which New Yorkers should be identified. I just dragged Rachel along with me to our next class and then, to home. Oh, my sweet bed I'm coming, just a little more time.

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