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Hello readers.

Here's another update. Hope you enjoy it and turn into a mush.

Do vote and comment. :)



I looked him right in the eye and something in me sparked. I could do it. Ha Ha whom am I kidding, I could never do that. But the challenging look in his eye set me off, but at the same time I knew that he'd stop me right in time.

In the last month I've known Sam enough to trust him. We haven't really had any heart to heart conversations or the share our stories phase, but you know what they say, actions speak louder than words.

We sure bicker like kids and even ignore each other, but it's always comfortable with him. I do trust him.

I take a quick look over on the number of articles I'm wearing. Sure I'm wearing enough to go for a decent stripping. Never in my life did I ever think that I would have to take these kind of decisions, but neither did I know that I'd be meeting a certain green eyed stupid.

I stand up still maintaining eye contact with him and make my way towards the table in the middle. I know I caught him off guard when he sits up straight, and fidgets in his seat.

I climb upon the table and ask Tony to play a sexy song, "You'll get me fired Myles." but he never the less plays a song and increases the volume and walks out of the diner, since his shift is over. Oh, that means the manager won't know it was him, smart move Tony.

SexyBack by Justin Timberlake starts playing, just perfect.

I click my fingers to the right while tapping my heel with a slight bounce in my hips and then to the left along with the beats.

I'm bringing sexy back

Them other boys don't know how to act

I take of my jacket and drop it down, Sam's mouth is slightly open as he stares at me. A sight.

I think it's special what's behind your back

So turn around and I'll pick up the slack

I take off my shoes by stepping on the heel, and kick them down. Hey! this too counts okay.

Sam claps and looks down slightly chuckling at my trick.

Dirty babe (uh-huh)

You see these shackles? Baby, I'm your slave (uh-huh)

I pull out my hair from the hair tie and bend down slightly as my hands glide down my thighs. Sam mouths uh-huh with the lyrics, nodding his head.

I'll let you whip me if I misbehave

I sing along and he raises an eyebrow at me while tilting his head.

It's just that no one makes me feel this way

I point towards him and the idiot pretends to dust off his shoulders with an attitude.

Come here girl

(Go 'head be gone with it)

Come to the back

(Go 'head be gone with it)


(Go 'head be gone with it)

Drinks on me

(Go 'head be gone with it)

Suddenly Sam start's singing aloud to the guy parts with his hand raised in the air and pumping it twice to the beat.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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That April In The RainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ