003 ::: Never Question

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An update two days in a row?! Yay!

Again, let me know what you think and if you come across any inconsistencies or grammatical errors, please leave me a comment so I can fix it! :) <3

It got worse.

Everything had happened so quickly, so suddenly, I am almost certain that I have whiplash from the whirlwind disaster that was my execution. I didn't quite understand. I was supposed to be dead, killed, gone. I was not supposed to be here. Yet, here I am, living and shit. Although, as much as I hated to admit it, the previous holding room was far better than the one I was in now.

After I had locked eyes with the King, he had screamed for the cameras to be cut. Then all chaos broke out amongst everyone, but as I watched the frenzy around me I couldn't help but continue to be confused. Even now as I sit shivering in this cell, I still don't understand what happened, what that was all about.

Xaler had freaked out, or at least I think he did, I didn't know him at all, but seeing the reactions of everyone else around me it was safe to assume that his behavior was less than normal. The cheers from the audience had turned into boo's and growls as their fix of blood and death hadn't been satiated. This had earned a select few of them a one way ticket to death.

I didn't care.

They were going to watch me die, they were going to be happy to see my death. They had already watched numerous people die before it was my turn. I lacked empathy for them. They wouldn't receive my sorrow, my pity, nothing. They didn't deserve it. They deserved death.

Xaler didn't waste time obliterating the cameras pointed on him, on me, smashing them into the tiniest pieces, he basically turned them to dust. He grabbed the camera workers by the necks and threw them across the arena we were in. The former Queen, his step-mother, tried to calm him down. Her pale face, narrow eyes, and pointed nose contorted into something that resembled anger and impatience as Xaler snarled for her to be removed. She wasn't helping the situation anyway. In fact, she only seemed to anger him further.

It was as if an entire conversation was spoke without actually speaking since multiple rushed towards me with medical supplies and tended to my wounds. I remained on the floor, stunned that the beasts were showing an ounce of care regarding my well being. What I assumed was rubbing alcohol poured over my lacerations causing me to cry out in pain, but quickly, too quickly, different ointments were applied and soon I was gauzed and bandaged up. Except for my calf, that, I overheard, would require stitches if it were to heal properly and before I knew it I was being stabbed with a stitching needle, which, once again, earned another cry of pain from my lips.

My cry had been heard through Xaler's destruction which made him stop in an instant. He whipped around to me before gliding across the stage and picking me up by my arms. His big rough hands squeezing too tightly on my shoulders making me squirm uncomfortably in his grasp. He shook me roughly and yelled, "Look at me?"

I gently looked at him but his intense gaze made me flinch, his bright green eyes flickered back and forth between mine like he was searching for something. I was too scared to look away even though I had wanted to.

"Fuck," he breathed out, "Fuck!"

He dropped me to the ground, his hands gripping into his hair and he leaned forward and let out an earth-shaking growl. My hands clamped over my ears and a screamed climbed its way out of my throat.

I heard the muffled footsteps of Xaler fall away from me, "Take her to the blocks."


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