012 ::: Never Submit

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Good morning lovelies! Well, at least it's morning for me right now. This chapter goes out to NyxStyx2 for being an awesome reader and voter!

Enjoy! :) <3

It was tomorrow.

I was equally dreading tomorrow and relieved. I had a plan and I was determined to follow through with it because I was just as determined to leave this hell hole. I wouldn't subject myself to this shitty situation anymore. I couldn't.

I felt so isolated. My only human contact being Sienna, otherwise, I was forced to associate with the beasts that plagued the house. My solace of being separated from Xaler was short-lived. He returned just the next day after finding out that Sienna was a human, quietly entering the room when I was asleep and snuck into the bed. He was kind enough to not give any physical contact; such a gentleman.

Sienna had explained that it was the bond he felt for me, it made it difficult to be away from me for an extended period of time. She was actually surprised he had made it that many days before caving, apparently alphas bonds are stronger creating a more intense emotional response.

I was standing in front of the mirror, staring at the girl reflecting at me: it wasn't me. Her once bright eyes alive with emotion were now dead, cold, distant. Bags clouded the skin beneath my eyes, even though my once-prominent sunken cheekbones were now full from the steady diet, my skin had lost that sun-kissed glow, just dull and broken.

Sienna had insisted that I give myself a once over in the mirror with the dress and near full completion. The dress was undeniably beautiful: it was a golden beige color, with an intricately stitched snug-fitting bodice covered with beading. A sweetheart neckline accented my chest in an unappealing way, at least in my opinion. I knew it was to attract the attention of Xaler, show off for him, I couldn't help but feel as if I were on display, showing too much skin for my taste. Not that women couldn't dress in a revealing way; it was their body and their skin, more power to them. I just never felt comfortable with showing my body off to anyone. Especially not to Xaler, not to any of the wolves.

The bottom of the dress was a loose, light tulle, swaying and tickling my legs with every movement I made. The tulle was deliberately and specifically shredded, giving it a destroyed look that complimented the perfect bodice. While it was a beautiful dress, I couldn't help but focus on the bottom of the dress, it looked as if it were torn apart by the very same beasts I was expected to be introduced to.

It was in that moment that I decided to deviate from my original plan. Instead of not letting Xaler see me in this dress, he now would, in all my glory. A last little "fuck you" to him. I smiled at the thought of sticking it to him and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

Although I was smiling, anyone looking could tell it didn't reach my eyes; it was a broken smile, unhealthy, and fake. Sure, I felt some peace in my decision, but it's not my number one choice. If it were up to me I would be back in the scums with my family. At least I was actually happy with them. Unlike now.

A light rapping on the door pulled my attention away from my thoughts. With one last look in the mirror, I turned to my side and opened the door to reveal a smiling Sienna.

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