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After some hard research, Golfball (GB), found that maybe some sort of bacteria/virus can alter the poison of the Bugs and make an antivenom for it’s venom. After the discovery, GB quickly started experimenting. When she found a certain strain that would maybe work, she puts it in the venom and she lets it sit. She goes back upstairs to attend the Cake at Stake ceremony with TB, which was ,unsurprisingly, waiting for her upstairs.

TB -“So, have you found it yet?”

GB -“Maybe, right now, I’m testing another strain in the poison to see if it works. I really hope it does.”

Their voices start to faint as they walk further, towards the Cake at Stake ceremony.
Book overheard the word “Poison” and wondered what it was about. Curious, she sneaks into the underground factory, finding on a desk what seems like a pure black substance.

Book -“Maybe... I can use this..?”

Book grabbed the fluid that was contained in a test tube, and started climbing up the stairs. She looks around for any cameras, and she also looks at all the mechanics. On her way, she trips on a step and she drops the test tube. She tried to grab it back, but it fell on one end of her cover and it started melting it, revealing paper under it.

Book -“Oww! What is that Tingly feeling- OH MY GOSH!”

She noticed the damage and ran up before she started to feel woozy and weak. She started to feel dizzy, and everyone around noticed the incident. Blocky, noticing this, called GB to investigate. But it was maybe too late. Book fainted.

Blocky -“Book! Do you hear me?”

GB -“Oh god! It must’ve been the thing I was working on!”

Everyone paused, even Four and X. They started to walk over to the scene, curiously.

Four -“I can try to recover her”

Blocky -“Go ahead...”

And so that’s what Four did. He rose his hand, and tried to recover her, but to no avail.

GB -“Huh? That means she’s only fainted then.”

Then we see Book’s arm twitching. Four nodded as he curiously looked at the fainted Book. Weirdly, A drop of black ooze started appearing on the corner of her mouth. Four backed away, confused.

Four -“What is that?”

GB -“Maybe the Antivenom is working, but I’m not su-“

She was cut off when Book opened her eyes. They were white. Lifeless, empty, tired, white eyes stared at the sky, with the small drop of ooze on the corner of her mouth. She was static, just mindlessly staring at the sky.

GB -“Book?”

TB -“She’s irresponsive. Maybe she’s brain dead?”

GB -“Could be possible, but why though?”

Four -“I’m not so sure... I’ll try to zap her so I can recover her after.”

GB and TB nodded, as four approached the lifeless, yet very alive Book. Four started to zap her, but nothing changed. She jut was laying down on the grass.

GB -“Uh... What?”

Then Book rose up, trying to grab Four’s arm.

Four -“Ack!”

He shook Book off of him. Book gurgled.

GB -“What happened to her? She was grabbing onto Four!”

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