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Grassy sat on Cloudy, looking back. He never really saw what the sick looked like and he wasn’t convinced much about what happened to Basketball and Blocky. After much thinking, and while the others rested after their long run, he hopped off of Cloudy and ran away. He looked carefully around him and went off. He had his hopes of seeing both again, but was worried that Black hole was indeed not lying. Then, like luck was with him, he saw a round figure in the distance. Was it Basketball? It looked like a huge portion of her head was torn. What happened? As his vision got clearer, and as he approached the silhouette, it was getting more gray. That isn’t Basketball! It was GB! He hoped she was fine and approached her. GB heard footsteps behind her and sharply turned around. To Grassy’s surprise, she had blank eyes, a drooling mouth and a huge gash on her head. What happened? GB snarled and ran after him. Grassy, out of shock, ran further. He was screaming for help, but he was too far from his group. He was yelling for Black hole, Basket ball, anyone. Then, he had an idea. Grassy swiftly turns around, confusing GB. He hid behind a rock, standing still in the middle of tall grass. He heard moaning from GB, then nothing. He turned back, GB being nowhere to be seen. He didn’t want to see anything of that sort ever again, so he stayed still.

Eraser was getting kinda lonely. He was on his own. He knew that Blocky got bit, but not Pen. He had the idea to look around for him at night. He looked up, and the sun was rising. Not too bad. He got up from his rock and walked to the forest. He noticed a clear path with foot prints. Who could have come here? He went on his tip toes in the said path, while looking around him. A dark silhouette emerged from the path. It was slim and tall, but had a huge gash. Eraser’s eyes twinkled with hope. He walks over to him, seeing the back of Pen.

Eraser-“Hey Pen! Where have you be-“

He was cut off when his friend turned around. Blank eyes, drooling mouth and what seemed like a huge accident. Lots of ink spread around his wound and face. He had a bite mark on his cap.

Eraser-“That is N O T Pen!”

Pen tried to grab him, while making strange noises. Eraser pulled back and ran for it. He noticed the figure chasing him. He was sweating, his legs hurt from running. He didn’t look forward, due to panic. He tripped and his leg got trapped in vines. Pen walked over, while Eraser was screaming and trying to get his leg unstuck. He was panicking and stared at the upcoming figure.

Pen grabs Eraser and he bites his head. Eraser screams and soon after, faints.

Lightning sat down on the cold rocky floor, waiting for his friends to arrive. Soon after, SB and Fanny arrived with a dirty shovel and a bag full of berries. Fanny looked angry, while SB felt tired.

Lightning -“What happened?”

SB-“Well, Tree jumped at me and I had to attack, Fanny helped me.”

Fanny-“I hated it!”

Fanny dropped her bag and sat down further. SB threw his shovel and sat next to the water. He looks over at the barrel, and gives a thumbs up. Lightning smiled and he grabbed Fanny’s bag and emptied it in a crack on the cave’s walls. He threw the bag onto SB’s face, and was heading for the door. SB grunted and threw the bag further.

SB-“DID you HAVE to throw the bag?”

Lightning-“Oops, sorry.”


Lightning-“Dude calm down, I’m gonna guard.”

SB-“HOW are you going to WITHOUT ANY WEAPONS?”

The two yelled at each other in the cave. Fanny walked between them.

Fanny-“You two calm down! I hate fighting! Just, ugh, go whatever you wanted to do Lightning.”

SB stomped his foot and yelled:


Snowball grabbed his shovel and ran out, passing next to Lightning. Snowball rushed outside, with no idea where to go. After a while of running, he sat besides an old tree, closing his eyes. He dropped his shovel and let himself drop in dreamland. Then, a rustling sound startled him. He arose fast, grabbing his shovel in instinct. He only saw a blur of the world, but managed to make out two figures. He went in position and went silent, holding his breath. He heard distant, yet inapprehensible, whispers from the two, then yelling as one ran towards him. He could make out a grey circle. He grunted and threw his shovel towards the foe, but it dodged and went behind him. He turned around and dropped his weapon on, what seemed, to be Golfball. She dodged once again and it landed on his foot. He yelped, then turned around. The other shadow ran towards him. Out of panic, he threw his shovel on the mysterious creature. It yelped and grunted words that Snowball didn’t quite make out, apart from “Stop!”. He then froze for a second. Was it normal? He then stops midway in his thoughts to defend himself, as Golfball skyrocketed towards him. He threw his shovel with all his might, and made a dent in the adversary. Golfball fell down, his shovel dropping next to her. He stared at the two, seeing the larger figure grab the smaller one, and walking away. Carefully, he grabbed his shovel, and walked back to his tree. He sighed and closed his eyes, thinking of the future.

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