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Ruby, Bubble and Ice cube (Icy) were looking around for an escape. They’d run, rest, look around, and chat for awhile. Ruby noticed she started to feel nauseous. As she didn’t like this sensation, she pointed it out to her friends.
Ruby-“Ugh... I feel nauseous again, but this time its not GB that’s causing  this.”

Bubble-“Moiybe its Spoingy!”

Ruby“No. Remember when we had to run away a lot because of those? I had this feeling before they appeared.”

Icy stayed silent. She was still small, and didn’t want to talk much.

Bubble-“Oi! Its thoise creoitures thoit are cloise! We shoiuld run!”

Ruby-“Good point! Head for the cliff!”

And the trio headed their way. Icy was sitting on Ruby, as she couldn’t run fast. She noticed Lollipop and Blocky behind them. She stared at them, then kicked Ruby’s forehead.

Ruby-“There’s no time for this!”

Icy-“B-but look!”

She pointed behind her. Ruby was right. They were being chased. Ruby heads for the cliff, then stops. She noticed one plane that wasn’t soggy.

Ruby-“Everyone, jump on!”

They all sit, Ruby at the front, steering. They take off, as they flew nowhere.

Four looked at some test tubes, seeing how it went. Pin sat at the back, leaning on the huge oven. X was looking around for things.

Four-“Do you have Yoyleberries?”

X-(Far away)-“WHY would you need some?!”

Four-(Yelling)-“It might work!”

X sighed and saw a stash of old yoyleberries. They didn’t rot. Perfect! He sprints towards Four. He trips, and drops some. He didn’t bother and got up. He knocked over a test tube and dropped the berries on the table.


Four took one, squeezed its juice in a test tube, which was containing the black hole coloured ooze. It fizzes, and turns purple. Four looked at it, interested. He had literally no idea what happened but he took it and went outside. He noticed Book.. He extended his arm, and dropped a bit of the mixture on her. Nothing happened. Then, her ooze turned purple-ish, and her legs were flimsy. Would this work? He put his arm back
and watched. Nothing. It was one step.

Cake was running after Cloudy. Balloony hurried and pulled on Cake’s leg. Cake bit Balloony’s arm and threw him. He jumps, only to miss Cloudy. He tries again, only to jump on Tree.

Tree-“Hhhh... Woah! Get freaking off!”

Cake bit Tree’s leaves. Cloudy, Pen and Black hole had to leave him behind. They ran away. Balloony caught up, and sat down with them, in another cave. 

Ruby saw, after one long tiring flight, Yoylebushes. She knew this place was safe, as the undead didn’t manage to reach it yet. And, there’s infinite source of Yoyleberries! She lands, rushing in the field, happy-go-lucky.

Ruby-“Here is perfect! Yoyleberries, a safe place, and we still can use this plane! This is amazing!”

She chows down on a yoyleberry. Not long after, she was metal.

Icy-“I just realised they cant bite metal!

Ruby-”You’re right! Everyone, go eat one! They cant bite you if you eat them!”

Bubble rushed to eat some, but Icy stayed behind
Sorry this part is short. Wanted to give you guys something while i can. I started school so writing isnt my main thing im focusing on. Hope this is good enough. Also, should i dump art i made for this in an art book?

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