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<Grassy’s POV>

I am very sad. I just found Basketball’s body…

She’s dead.

I’ve been next to her for the past hour, Cloudy still guarding me. He regularly eats people, or animals, and it’s just disturbing? And the one thing he can easily eat is me, but it seems like he’s giving his life for me, like he still has one. I just hope I don’t lose Blocky that way too…

Then, I see a pair of white eyes staring at me from the forest. The shadow was tall, thin and it seems like his face was all messed up. Cloudy seemed to have noticed him too, and was staring at him with hatred. I hide behind the slightly deflated Basketball, trying to not be noticed. But that didn’t help much, as I heard screeching and hissing from the side of the bush. I didn’t bother to look, but I felt something splash on me. I wipe it off, and I let go of Basketball. It was a mixture of ooze and… ink? I peek over the bush, seeing Pen clinging onto Cloudy, hissing. Cloudy was swinging him around, biting his arm. Pen tried to claw Cloudy’s eyes off, but to no avail. Cloudy took a huge boost and swung Pen to a tree.


I could hear the ink splashing onto the bush, and Cloudy panting. Ink painted the grass and tree like a canvas. Pen’s body was cracked in half, laying on the floor. He stood still, his white eyes staring at me.
“Cloudy! You didn’t have to kill him!” I shouted, grabbing onto Basketball.

Cloudy responded with a gurgle, which I obviously can’t understand.

Why does he do this?

What if I’m next?

I should run away, for my own safety.

I’ll do it tonight.

Cloudy flew lower, and I sit on top of him, sighing.

I’m really gonna do this again, for the second time.
As the sun was setting, we approached the area where our base was. It’s still intact, but Cloudy chased Balloony and Black hole out. He flew towards the ground, letting me jump off. I sprint towards my ooze stained blanket and my plushie, sitting down. I move the old blanket that was covering some sort of broken gazebo, and peeked at what Cloudy was doing. He was simply laying down, about to fall asleep.

Here’s my chance.

I grab my blanket and Rose, while walking on my toes to be as quiet as I could. I then sprint towards the forest, looking back.

I could spot a few pairs of white eyes staring at me, but no one tried to bite me. I then spot a broken paper airplane, and a stained bush. I peek behind it, curious.

I shouldn’t have.

I see Ruby’s corpse, with half of her face and one arm which seemed to have shattered off of her. What even happened?

Then, I hear slow footsteps coming from infront of me. A small figure was staring at me, with one white eye. I can’t seem to spot the other one…

As it walked towards me, I could start seeing a grey, round figure.

It’s GB.

I sprint as far as I could In the opposite direction of hers.
What am I doing? Since I’m alone, I’m easy prey to anyone!
Then, someone appeared infront of me, holding a knife.
“Hey, what are you doing here all alone?” a wheezy, slow voice asked me.

I cant see them well, and it seems that they blocked every escape route I could take. The person was yellow, cubic…


<GB’s POV>

Huh. I was gonna chase Grassy, but it looks like Ruby died and no one even took her body. Easy meal.

{Thankfully, I will spare you the details on what’s going on when she’s eating. In a nutshell, lots of blood.}

After I finished her up, I wipe off the blood from my cheeks, and look around.
It felt good getting revenge on Lollipop, and I don’t know why. She made my life even harder when she bit TB. He’ll never understand me, or my needs, no matter what I do. He prefers to whine in a corner and eat pathetic skinny squirrels. He wants me to start caring about people, but why would I need to be empathetic towards my food?

He also prevented me from even going outside as I ‘could ruin people’s lives’ or whatever. He should start eating people, then try to stop me with his pathetic solutions.
Maybe then, I’ll take him more seriously.

But for now, I’ll need to take care of my eye. I start collecting leaves and placing them on my eye, like a bandage. Then, I pull off the bark from a tree to get the sap. I scoop up some of it and I use it as glue to make the leaves stick to the edge of my eye.

Best I can do, really.

I start walking towards where I almost killed Lollipop, out of curiosity.
Then, I felt stinging pain coming from my leg. An arrow was stabbed in it. Great.
I peek in the bush wondering who even dared to stabbed me, when I get pushed in a bear trap, my stabbed leg getting trapped in it. I start screeching in pain, looking around nervously.
“We got her!’ a male voice shouted, high fiving someone else.

I turn around to see Clock and Eggy, both holding arrows in their feet. Great.
I use my other foot to try and free my leg, but to no avail. The arrow was preventing me from freeing my leg.

I had no choice, but to yank it out.
Taking a deep breath, I bite the arrow, and I pull it out, groaning in pain.
I then try to wiggle my leg out, but I only managed to free a few centimeters.
I guess I’ll have to sleep here then.

“Clock, are you blushing?” is what I could hear from Eggy.
As they both walked away, my eyes kept getting heavier.
And heavier.
And heavier.
Until I passed out from the pain.

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