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Black hole squinted at the figure. It was dark outside, so it was hard to distinguish the figure from the thick deciduous forest. Then he noticed it moved. It was alive then. It looked way to similar to it’s environment. Wait, if it looks like its part of the forest behind him, then... Tree? He froze, getting closer to the cave. Pen noticed his distress and asked, worried.

Pen-"What’s going on?”

BH-“Tree’s over there. He spotted us.”

Pen froze. He didn’t want to see his friend all sick. He went to the side, Grassy by his side. Tree approached slowly, as Grassy looked. He was confused.

Grassy-“Who is that?”

Pen-“That’s Tree. Get behind me.”
Grassy was confused at why, but did so anyways. Tree approached Black hole. He let him slide in the cave a bit, then pulled him with his “pulley attracty stuff”. Tree gurgled and grabbed onto the sharp wall of the cold hideout. Black hole pulled Tree hard, so he’d loose grip. Turns out, he was stronger then expected and held on. Black hole grunted and pulled harder. Tree lost grip. Black hole spun him around like a maniac, not thinking about anything else. Tree managed to grab Pen’s arm on the way and he spun him around. Black hole noticed, but couldn’t stop.

Pen-“AAaaAaaa LET ME GOOoOO!”

Black hole couldn’t stop Tree from spinning around, and he got anxious. Tree bit Pen’s cap, as he tried to have better grip. Pen yelled and Black hole stopped abruptly. Tree lost grip and Pen was projected onto a rock. His body hit a sharp part and part of him broke off. It make a horrible sound, and ink oozed around him. Grassy was shocked and Tree was projected into the forest. The little grass walked over to Pen, holding his hand over him.

Grassy-“Pen! Are you okay? Grassy needs help!”

BH-“Don’t get close!”

Black hole pulled him behind, as Grassy yelled at Black hole.

BH“Sorry, he is sick too. Follow me!”

Cloudy’s jaw dropped at the scene and couldn’t utter a word. Balloony was asleep. Grassy pulled Balloony awake and pointed to Pen, then Black hole.

Grassy“Grassy wants you to follow Black hole!”

Cloudy-[Thick accent]-“Oh, uh, okay..?”

Grassy and Balloony sat onto the cloud and they flew away, leaving Pen behind.

Pen woke up, his white eyes staring into the cave.

Pen woke up, his white eyes staring into the cave

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He then observed his broken piece. His face was stained with his own ink, and so was the rock and grass. He rose up, walking to a little path.

Snowball walked out of an underground cave, looking around. Lightning and Fanny followed him from behind. Snowball still had his pink shovel from the last challenge, and Fanny held a bag. They were gonna scavenge for food and water. Lightning held two metal buckets and he flew off to the pool. Fanny and Snowball walked around, looking for maybe animals and fruit. The first idea was to explore the forest. Fanny zoomed in, not waiting for Snowball. Their shadows go smaller and smaller until they entered. Lightning knew the pool had clean water, and so he dropped his two buckets, and he dives in. He held the handles and pulled them out. He hurried back to the cave, dropping the water in a barrel made for the occasion. He goes on, doing this cycle over and over again.

Fanny walked around and she noticed a berry bush. She carefully picked the right berries, but complained about how she hated it. Snowball was deeper, searching for maybe rabbits. He had all his senses awake, and he held his shovel tightly. Then, he heard noise. It was a branch breaking. He sharply turns around, hoping for an animal. But it looked like a moving bush. Wait, Tree?  Snowball carefully inspected him and found bites. It wasn’t Tree anymore. He stood still ready to charge. Tree jumped out, trying to grab him. Snowball swung his shovel onto the enemy, hitting his trunk and making a dent. He pulled out the shovel and he repeatedly hit him. Tree tried to dodge, but failed miserably. Fanny came to the scene, with a bag full of berries. She dropped it and turned herself on. She blew Tree off.

Snowball-“Thanks Fanny, that was a close one. Say, what did you get?”

Fanny-“I got berries, and I hate fighting.”

Snowball-“Me too. Lets look around again to see if there’s anything.”

Both walked off into the dark forest. Fanny hated silence, so she started a conversation.

Fanny-“I’m worried about Bubble. I can’t find her. I hope she’s safe.”

Snowball-“I saw her fly away with Ruby and Icy. I think she’s fine. Also, we cant find anything. Should we turn back?”

Fanny nodded and both ran out of the forest. They went back to the cave, where Lightning was resting.
Omg i got another fanart for this auanins thanks again Idkwhatmylifeis101

YeetAnd yes when i mean "someone will die" (i say this in announcements on my wall) i mean them being infected oof __________________________________________

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And yes when i mean "someone will die" (i say this in announcements on my wall) i mean them being infected oof

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