Failed Plan

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<Two’s POV>

After years of planning, I finally managed to locate the Earth and where Four is hosting his competition show.

As I was casually floating in space, the blue marble that they call Earth was getting bigger and bigger as I got closer.

I’m going to take over his show, and nothing will stop me! The Power of Two will be a great success!

A BFDI? What a dumb prize!

As I got closer and closer to the planet, I prepared myself for landing.
Like an asteroid, I crashed onto the grass, making a small crater around me. The tree’s leaves were shaking and the ground too.

But no one was there.

Not Four, nor the other objects that compete in his show.

Did he know what I as planning or something?

It was dead silent.

I look around, looking for Four or his contestants, but all I found were splotches of black liquid here and there.

Intrigued, I walked over to one of them.

The substance is pitch black, almost like a black hole.
I carefully poked it. It’s very thick, slime-like almost.
It didn’t really have any scent too.

I looked around, noticing a pair of white eyes just staring at me.
A small, round object was glaring at me.

It looks a bit odd, but it’s still someone!

I ran over to them.
“Hey! Are you tired of-“ I yelled, stopping mid sentence.

That object was a copper coin, but it didn’t look normal at all.

It was somewhat melting, but only a small section. It had lots of scratches, and a small bite mark on their arm.

“Uuuhhh, dude, are you okay?” I asked, very confused.

They didn’t respond. They were only staring at me.

I slowly backed away from them, uncomfortable a bit.

I then turn around and I run into the forest. It’s probably not a good idea, but who cares!

I looked back every once in a while. They were still standing there, not moving.
Further away, I saw someone that is familiar to me: Four.

It seems that he is struggling to get someone off of his arm.
For some reason, that object was biting Four.

“Hey Four! Remember me?” I asked, giving this smug look.
Four suddenly turned around. “Two?! What the flip are you doing here?”

“Oh, I had plans, but I guess it ended up flopping.” I said, as I calmly leaned on a tree.

“What plans?” He asked.

“None of your business.” I spat out.

“Fine then. But you should leave this place.”

“Why?” I asked him, crossing my legs.

“D- Can’t you see the state that the contestants are in?!” He screeched at me, pointing to the object that was biting him.

“Are they mentally disabled or what?” I teased him.

“No! This virus randomly appeared and made them… I don’t know.”

“A bit cliché, but okay.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not!” Four spat out at me.

“Anyways, want me to help?”

“I’ll take care of this myself. You go away and go back to your planet.”

“Nah, I’m going to wait until this whole ordeal is over.” I simply said.

Four looked pissed right after I said that. Oh well.

Out of boredom, I lifted my hand up, and made a green aura around it. That same aura soon surrounded that small object. I quickly lifted them up in the air, with the help of my powers, and threw them far away.

“See? I can help you fix this!-”

“N- Shut up!”

“Alright then, I’m gonna leave now I guess.”

And, as I said that, I quickly ran away, not thinking too much about what happened.

<Four’s POV>

Agh, I remember him.

He wasn’t always the nicest guy, too. I still don’t know why he came to Goiky, but at least he got Golf ball off of me.

“Four! Four!!! Are you okay???” Someone shouted at me from far away.

I quickly turn around, noticing X and Pin running towards me, with a worried expression on their faces.

Pin was holding a small plastic bag in her left hand, and she was dragging X behind her with her right hand.

“I’m fine!” I slightly chuckled.

“You sure?! I heard you shoot a zappie!” Pin said, letting go of X, which was panicking at this point.

“I’m fine! It was only GB anyways.”

Only?! Four! What happened?!” Pin exclaimed.

“Eh, she bit my arm, but I’ll be fine!”

X suddenly started to hug me, shaking.

“What happened while you were searching?” I asked, concerned on why X was shaking so much.

“Well, we found this abandoned house so we went inside..”

“Go on..” I said, as I hugged X back.

“After we took some stuff, we heard noises at the back.”
X hugged me even tighter.

“We were curious so we went to take a look. We went to a window and..”

“….” I hugged X again.

“We saw Stapy, Foldy and Marker. They were trying to fight off Cake and Needle. While we were watching, we saw Foldy getting ripped in half by Needle…”

“Wait, WHAT?!” I screamed, as X started to cry.

“We were all standing in place, shocked.. Foldy, soon after, miraculously got back up, but she was infected. She was still ripped, but not all the way through, so she could still stand up.”

“Yeah- don’t add more, Pin. X is crying right now.”
“S-Sorry!” Pin stuttered.

“It’s fine. We should go back.” I said as I let go of X.

Pin grabbed her bag tightly and she looked at X with a saddened look.
I grabbed X and held him close as we walked out of the forest in silence. I tried reassuring X, but I guess he’s too traumatized at this point.

A/N: You might expect more chapters to come for this! I'm stuck at home until the 1st of May, so I have lots of time to write! Also, I unpublished my art book because my old art is too embarrassing >:(
I'm going to publish a brand new one soon!

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