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<Fanny’s POV>

Jesus Christ- I hate this so much. GB is now unrecognisable, TB seems to have some kind of mood swing… and there’s me, being constantly worried about Bubble. Did she pop? Did she die? Is she okay?

Then, further in the forest, I heard a familiar voice.

I think its her!

I sped threw the forest, dodging any low trees or roots, then I noticed two grey figures in the distance. It was Bubble and Ice cube, which were sitting besides a tree. I wasn’t very far away from them: only a couple of meters away.

It seemed that Icy was sleeping close to Bubble, and she was guarding her. This sight gave me a huge smile on my face.
Bubble’s eyes crossed mine, and she started smiling, noticing who I was. But then, her smile dropped, and she grabbed Icy closer to her.

Oh yeah… god damn it.
“I’m not dangerous, I swear!” I tried to explain, but that only scared her more, as she only understood gurgling.

“I can’t believe it… you’re really gone…” she muttered under her breath, getting up.

Okay, I might be bit or whatever, but god damn I’m not like Golf ball!

I tried stepping closer to her, but she looked at me with fear, then she backed away. I tried to not focus on her limbs. You know, sometimes the ooze takes control of me…

I felt my eyes burning all of a sudden, and I started breathing rapidly. My eyes can’t let go of her limbs.

Oh no.

Bubble gave me a worried stare, and she grabbed Ice cube.
Before I lose control, I want them to be safe.

I grab sticks and place them in a way that it spelled ‘RUN.’
I gave her a sad look and I started breathing even more rapidly.
Bubble looked at me in disbelief and zoomed out, not looking once behind.

My legs started to feel numb, followed by the rest of my body.
It’s like being in someone else’s body, only being able to watch.
But it’s all blurry.

I noticed that I started running towards where Bubble went-


Anywhere else but there! Please!

I managed to gain control of one of my legs again and I made myself trip.

I will NOT let this happen. At any cost.
The ooze gained control again and started to run again, speeding up. All I can really do is watch myself getting closer to her…
I have an idea, but it may hurt.

I manage to make myself run straight into a tree.
As I hit it, a wave of pain went through my head, knocking me out.

I cannot move, speak, nor see, but I can hear everything around me.

I could hear Bubble’s crying with Ice cube’s voice.

<Leafy’s POV>

I miss him.

Very much.

Since then, I’ve been alone.

Firey died.

Since then, I’ve built a treehouse, and made myself a little home while this infection goes on. It has a handmade hammock, made out of old cloth I found laying around and a little wooden table with an old radio. I obviously play music at a very low volume, and it seems to not attract any of them here. I brought myself a white board and tons of erasable markers to play Tic Tac Toe… by myself.

Where do I store my food? I don’t. I usually eat what I find right after I found it.

Then, a screech broke the pleasant silence the forest had. Of course. Always at night, those things have to screech us awake.
But that screech was a familiar one…

I peek out my window, noticing a glowing orange blur further away. It’s white eyes were glowing even brighter then itself.
It’s Firey.

I haven’t seen him in awhile… since when Cake bit him.
But now, he has blue in his flames. Weird.

I decided to go outside and inspect, because… what happened to Firey since then?

I grab my knife from under the hammock, and I walk towards the door, opening it. When I was outside, I silently closed it, looking around for my ladder. Ah! Here it is! I move it around until I can safely get down from it. My knife in my right hand, I start to step down the ladder, staring at Firey with curiosity. His flames become more blue the more I stepped down. Did he know I was there?

I barely got down from my ladder when Firey darted towards me, his flames completely blue, like a will-o’-the-wisp.
I start swinging my knife at him, while trying to slightly climb the trees around me to get a height advantage. He dodged every swing I did, getting closer to me.

It’s when he nearly jumped on me that I felt burning on my head. One of his flames touched me, creating a small hole. Just great.
I noticed another pair of eyes running towards me, but this time it was Book. The one who started it all.

When she arrived, I swung my knife at her eyes, blinding her. A wave of ooze and blood gashed out from them, staining me and Firey. Thankfully, for him, the ooze and blood easily sizzled away from the heat.

That’s one down.

Firey did another attempt at pinning me down, but I swiftly jumped off the tree, letting Firey hit the tree face first. His flames became orange again, and he fell down, not moving.
He knocked himself out. How stupid.

I immediately run towards my ladders, climbing them up as fast as I could. When I reached the top, I put the ladders back and rushed inside, panting.

On my arrival, I pick up an old 80’s song CD and place it in my radio, checking the volume level. I like that song. It has a happy jingle, without reminding me of Firey. Most of the songs I have always remind me of him in some way.

I grab a black erasable marker and my whiteboard and I started playing Tic Tac Toe… by myself again.

I hope I won’t see Firey again…

<Gb’s POV>

After a while, I finally woke up, my leg still trapped in that painful metal trap. I cant even feel that leg anymore!

Atleast the rest of my body can move more freely.
I start using my other leg and my jaw to pry open the trap, or atleast loosen it so my leg can get out.

And it worked. It starts to loosen up, so I pulled my leg out. It was bleeding a lot, as you would expect. I felt relief but also a tremendous amount of pain.

Where are they? They’ll pay for that.

I went silent, trying to hear any signs of them.

I could start to faintly hear Clock talking to Eggy. Perfect.

I peek from behind the bush, noticing a yellow tent with both Clock and Eggy infront of it.

“Clock, that plan back there was just a genius idea! I’m pretty sure she’s gone for awhile now.” Eggy said, smiling.

“Oh- well- I uh- Gb has to get the taste of her own medicine!” Clock stuttered, blushing a bit.

Eggy awkwardly smiled and laughed a bit, while Clock peeked in the tent. I have no idea why he did that though.

When they were both calm, I started running towards Clock, staying as silent as I could. Right when I was about to pounce, someone white and large blocked my way, so I just hit her.
“Clock! Go inside the tent now!”

I didn’t see what happened with him, but I took the opportunity.
I leaned down, then bit her leg. She started screaming towards me, trying to shake me off.

I start jumping on Eggy, kicking her eye a bunch of times and also in other places, before biting her shell. Gotta admit, she’s painful to bite.

My weight made her tumble down right onto her face. I lose grip and I start to roll down, right back where the bear trap was. Atleast it was closed…

Now to find him. We made a deal the other day and today’s the day.

<Grassy’s POV>

“Yeah, it’s me. Tell me, why are you all alone here?!”

“Uh… Cloudy got bit so I fled…” a tone of sadness filled my voice.

“Oh. Well, I can’t seem to find Cake anywhere either, so I kind of feel you.”

“Since when did you get out of where the eliminated contestants go?”

“The Exit? Oh, Four just took us out.”

“That’s what’s it’s called?” I asked, a tone of curiosity filled my voice.

Loser nodded and swung his knife between his fingers.
“Why don’t you come with me to my hideout?”

I stared at him, a bit perplexed. He is acting off a bit.. but I nod.

“Alrighty then!” he exclaimed, walking further away. I hesitantly start to follow him, a meter away behind.

As we walked further, the forest became denser and darker, but I had to deal with it. It’s taking a while to get there…

“Oh! I forgot something! Be right back!” Loser suddenly shouted, walking further away.

He left me alone, in a dark forest, without any protection.
I simply sit down, cuddling with my blanket and Rose, my eyes getting heavy. I start hearing whispers further away, but I didn’t really bother.

Right when I was about to doze off, a branch snapped, waking me up. I stood up, looking in that same direction. Who was that?

I look the opposite way, hoping for maybe Loser or someone, then behind me again, spotting a white eye staring at me.

I turn back, ignoring it. Loser’s close by, he’ll save me, right?

After a couple of minutes, nothing. No one.

And then, a sharp pain went threw my leg, making me jump. A small, grey figure was next to my leg.



It can’t be!

Did I…


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