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((A/N Also yes I did say there wasn't probably gonna be a chapter this week, but I only said "probably" so HERE HAVE THIS,,
The ask n dare book took less time then I thought so i wrote a bit.))

<Pin’s POV>

Four tried to make the cure, with X, but honestly, do they know what they’re doing? And I’m getting lonely here… X is too busy being with Four, I mean, I don’t mind, but, I’m social…
Should I go and see where TB is?
I stroll over to Four, which was studying a book, for some reason.
“Hey, um, Four? Can I go outside to see TB?”

He rose his head and stared at me.
“Mmm… I don’t know. I should go with you, just in case. But first, let me see if outside is clear.”

“Sounds good!” I said with my cheerful tone.
He disappeared behind the stairs for awhile. X sat down next to me, fixing up his very tight coat.
“Why is Four going outside? I didn’t hear your conversation.”

“Oh, I’m going to see TB with him. We won’t be gone for more then an hour if things go well.”
He did the thumbs up at me and continued his work. Right after, Four came down and waved his hand at me, signalling we have to go. I follow him up the long stairs, while I observe the machinery. How did GB build all of this? She only has feet. I know she learned how to do stuff we do with our hands, but still. Then, the metal door slides open. A bright flash of daylight burned both of our eyes. I took my hand and covered my eyes in instinct. Four spread his arms, meaning to not go yet. He scouts the outside world before stepping out.

“Okay, I’m gonna be behind you, just in case.” He then walks aside so I can step out. I carefully go outside, looking around for his cave. I hear Four coming out, then the door closing behind us.
We’re now exposed to danger.
But I’m gonna look for him no matter what.
And then, we see a green figure running out of the forest, dashing into the cave.

“That way!” I pointed out, running towards the cave. Four sped up behind me, gazing around us. I heard a couple of zappies here and there, but I never really saw one of those things.
Then, I peek into the cave. I see a shaking TB, while he had his back turned. I turn my head towards Four, whispering:
“What happened?”

He shrugged and pointed at him.
“Go ask him.”
I nod and I slowly step in, not wanting to scare him. He looks at me, then turns his back again.

“G.. Go away…” He stuttered, in a shaky, sad tone. I flinch at his response.

“What happened?” I said in my most calming voice, not wanting to upset him.

“You don’t wanna know… now go away…” His tone became even shakier and more sad.
I sigh.

“It’s GB isn’t it?” I stand besides him, giving Four a reassuring glance every now and then.

He sighed, looked at me, and clutched himself even tighter.
“Y… Yes…”
Damn, he might not want to tell what happened, but his face tells everything. One of his eye has some scratches. Maybe GB clawed him or something? And his old bite mark is oozing more then usual, with more scratching around it and a smaller bite mark on it. Might be a fight of some sort.

“I can guess what happened, no need to tell me.”
He stood silent, shaking while tears started to fall out. Poor thing… GB was his best friend but look at her now. It must be devastating, loosing a close friend. I know that, because I lost Coiny…
I don’t know why, but he’s starting to shake even more. Is he cold, having spasms? He didn’t look at me, just at the wall, crying, while shaking violently. I sit close to him, watching him. I cant do much…
Then, he fainted. Me and Four panicked and ran up to him, trying to wake him up. It was no use. He was still shaking, but nothing else.
He then rose up suddenly, pushing us away. He looked at both of us in a odd way. Four was preparing his hand for a zappie, just in case. He didn’t look like himself. Maybe GB did this?
He then ran up to me, cornering me around stalagmites, and freezing me with his white stare. What is going on??
He was about to kick me when he was zapped by Four. I grab onto one of the spiky rocks, backing away. Tennisball fainted, rolling down to the other side of the cave. Four handed me a hand, and I grab him. I get pulled up from my spot, and we both run away.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked me, sweating.
I nod, nervously, and I look back at the cave.
What happened between these two?

<GB’s POV>

Hm. I wonder where he ran to, and if it’s working. He needs to mind his own business! Should I see where he went..? Yeah, I should, to see if it’s working.
I follow the traces of ooze he left while running away. I think it leads to his cave..?
I see his cave further, outside of the forest. I follow the traces again, and I see TB just fainted, on his face. He was oozing more then usual. He got up, finally, shaking like crazy. His eyes were slightly different. They were black with white pupils, not fully white like mine…
But his expression changed when he noticed me. He didn’t speak, but instead he was just staring at me, angrily.

“TB, you okay?” I asked him, not trying to provoke him or anything. But he reacted in a way I would’ve never expected.
He ran towards me, kicking my right eye so hard I started bleeding ooze all over the place. It felt like it exploded or something.
I can’t see on that eye anymore…
And it hurts!

“TB?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!” I shouted, sitting on the grass, with tons of ooze around me.
He tried to breathe in, but choked on his ooze instead, and started panicking even more. I don’t know what’s going on, but that eye feels like it’s being stabbed by millions of needle every second. And I mean it.
I pick up some of the ooze that was bleeding out of my eye and I stared at it, mad. I walked away, grunting nonsense even I can’t understand. I arrive infront of the pool, leaning down to see my reflection.

What I saw almost knocked me out into the pool:
My eye is fully black, oozing like crazy

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What I saw almost knocked me out into the pool:
My eye is fully black, oozing like crazy.
And since my dent isn’t healing, and it’s been a couple days…

Am I now blind in that eye?

How did I survive that anyway?

And then, Fanny appeared behind me, confused, she didn’t look at my face, nor the reflection. She tried to speak, but only got out gurgling. She finally managed to utter something I could understand, but the survivors probably wont.

“Since when did you enjoy staring at the pool?”

I immediately turn over to her, pointing at my eye.
“Does THAT answer your question?”

She backed away, cringing at my wound.
“How did that even happen?!”

“TB…” I sighed.

“W-what?! Last time I saw him he wasn’t like that?”

“Long story… Also I think he snapped, which never happened before.”

“Him? Snap? No.”

I nod and I look at myself in the pool.
“Very long story.” I got angrier at each word I uttered. “You don’t want to know what happened.” I stood silent after that.

“What if I do?”

I stood silent.

“Let me guess, food problems?”

I stared at myself in the water, trying to not get angry at her.

“Also, what do you mean by ”snapping?”

SHUT UP!” I yelled, turning over to her. She jumped and looked at me, scared and confused. With every second that passed, I wanted to just kill her even more, but I barely managed to restrain myself.

“Y-Your eyes?!”

“WHAT ABOUT THEM? I KNOW ONE IS DESTROYED, NO NEED TO POINT IT OUT!” I emphasised more on those last few words.

“Yeah, that, b-but your eyes are black again… with white pupils? And your blind eye-”


“has… a… white… x…” She tried finishing her sentence I cut before I yelled at her.


“No, that’s not what I meant…”

“Good.” I finally calmed down again.

“Your eyes are normal again…” She pointed out.
I turn my back from her and I walk away, completely ignoring her.

Did I “snap” like TB? If I did, how and why?

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