Chapter 2

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A boy stepped out the car. "Your Harley right?" He asked. I now recognised him it was Dylan. From the 4 people that Max was in a band with i only knew Jenna and Dylan. I know them because Max toured with them for years. "Yesss" I said to him. He looked really stressed. "Max had an accident and he is in hospital" he said. "What!?!" I screamed. A little to loud as everyone was staring at me. "What...what happened?" I asked. I was in shock. "Are house isn't really close to here so we all walked out the house to get into the car across the road and Max was really excited. And then well a car came out of nowhere and hit him." I was in shock I felt like it was all my fault. We all went to the hospital quickly. And then I saw Max. "Harley!" He shouted. "Max!! Are you ok?" I asked. "I mean would you call a broken arm and leg ok?" He laughed. When he saw my worried face he said "I'm fine don't worry." "This is not how I imagine we'd met after so long." I said disappointed. "Me neither" he laughed again. Max always laughs I'm sad situations just to make it seem less awkward I guess. I stayed in Max's room the whole night until he fell asleep. Then I walked outside. Max is like a brother to me. And this is the first time we had met in so long and he had an accident. A boy came walking toward me. "Hey I don't think we've met I am Harvey I am Max's brother!" He said. Some reason I know nothing about Harvey and never met him. I looked and then I saw him. The most handsome boy I had ever seen. His eyes were so beautiful. I realised I stared at him for a couple seconds, so I quickly said "Hey, no, we haven't met. I'm Harley." I felt a weird feeling in my stomach while I looked at him. What did this mean? I was probably just tired right?.

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