Chapter 12

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Two week went by, Max was out of hospital. I hung out with him and the band nearly every day and if I wasn't with I was with Harvey. I tried to avoid his family as much as I could. I did live in the house with my friends but now I barely see them. I made a lot of YouTube videos and took a lot of pictures with the band and my fans loved it. And well now your up to date.

Today is the day Harvey gets out of hospital. We are all really excited. But Harvey's family wanted to have one last dinner with him before they went home so they picked him up from the hospital. After that he said he was coming home.

"Guys we need to throw him a welcome home party like we did for max," Jenna said.
"Isn't that a bit lame though because we already did one for max," I said and laughed "I didn't mean it like that I meant he isn't allowed to be in a big group and loud noise."
"Yes we know that's, but we could do something else," jenna replied.
"We could invite your friends Harley and watch a movie" Dylan said with a smile.
Everyone liked that idea so I rang Megan.
"Hey Megan, we are having a small party more like a movie night tbh it's for Harvey would you like to come?"
"You still know who I am?" She asked shocked.
I didn't know if she was joking or not so I just laughed.
"Tell caitlin she's invited too," I said. I then heard Megan asking caitlin if she wanted to come.
"Yes they wanna come"
"And will you be coming?" I asked.
It was quiet for a moment or two but then I heard megan say "come on just come, it will be fun."
"Ok I'm coming too we will see you in a few minutes," she replied then hung up the phone.
I wondered why Megan was acting so weird I thought it would of been they other way round, maybe I haven't spent a lot of time with them. But the band are going on tour next month and I wanted to spend time with them not in hospitals before they leave.

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