Chapter 5

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I started walking and then I just walked back to 'the squads' house. I rang the doorbell. First nobody answered but then someone came walking towards me. He opened the door. It was Harvey. He looked very sleepy which made him cuter than ever. "Hey Harley, what are you doing here?" He said, he sounded happy. "Well...umm" and then I just started crying. He hugged me. It felt amazing. Then we sat down on the couch. "Do you wanna talk to me about it?" He asked. So then I told him everything. That I thought it was my fault that Max had an accident and that I totally forgot all about my friends. Then he hugged me again and said it wasn't my fault at all. He said he will try and get my friends to forgive me. It was so sweet that I started crying again. "You can sleep in Max's bed tonight" Harvey said. We walked to the room. It was a very very clean room with two beds. I got into one of them and Harvey got into the other. I looked at him surprised. He laughed when he saw my face. " I sleep in the same room as Max, i hope that's not a problem." "Not at all", i answered him. I watched him fall asleep. He looked so cute. After a while of watching him sleep I fell asleep myself

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