Chapter 9

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I didn't sleep at all that night. All I could think of was Harvey. All my friends were sleeping. I got up from my uncomfortable chair. And walked to Harvey's room. His eyes were still closed. I walked into the room to see Harvey I didn't know if I was allowed to, i had to see Harvey and talk to him. I tried to close the door quietly but then I fell over something and made a very loud noise. My leg was stuck, I tried to put it out but it only made a loud noise. I sighed and then looked at Harvey. His eyes were opened and he was laughing! "Omg Harvey!", I tried to get up but then remembered I was stuck. "How did you do that?", his voice sounded sort of sleepy and weird. "I don't even know", I said. And we both laughed. "But omg your eyes are open!" I said. "I think you woke me", he said smiling and laughing. I wanted to ask him so many questions but the nurse walked in. She looked mad. "What are you doing in here and why are you making so much noice?" She asked. Then she looked at Harvey. "You're eyes are open" she said smiling. "You have to go we have to some tests" she said to me. "Umm I'm sorta stuck", I said to her. Harvey started laughing again. I was glad I could make him laugh it made it a little less awkward. The nurse didn't think it was funny but she did help me. "When can I come back?" I asked. "When we're done with the test", she sounded annoyed. I left the room but decided to stay close to it I really wanted to talk to Harvey.

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