Chapter 15

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"So what movie are we watching" Dobby asked when we all walked back into the room. "Your not gonna like this bro," Harvey said laughing showing dobby the film. "NO GUYS WE ARENT WATCHING A HORRORRRR!!" Dobby screamed. "Awe is wittle dobby scared" Megan said in a baby voice and we all laughed. "Sorry dobby but you need to get over your fear of horror movies" i told him as he sat back into his seat slouching down. Megan and Dobby were hiding behind a pillow. Dylan, Jenna, Harvey , and Caitlin were just watching the movie and weren't scared at all. Max tried to put his arm around Caitlin and i tried not to make any facial expression as i know what she's like. I accidentally grabbed Harveys hand, i quickly pulled it away and he smiled grabbing my hand back and whispers " your too cute" making me smile. "Guys this movie is like kinda boring" harvey states. "yes exactly" Dobby said. "i like it" Jenna said. "You can all watch it but me and Harley are going to step outside for a minute" harvey said pulling me up. We walked out the room and went outside. Harvey picked up his mini keyboard and brought it out with him. "Have you ever played a keyboard before?" he asked. "Yeah. i have my own one at home" i replied. "wanna play something?" he asked. "sure" i said excitedly. " i'm not going to sing though," he laughed "i'm sure you're voice is amazing" i smiled and said "it's really not but anyway which song?" he quickly replied with "i can't help falling in love" smiling i nodded. He smiled back. It was so cute. The chords were pretty easy so i played them and we both sang. " WOW OMG, your really good!" he said. i smiled but before i could reply Dobby came running out the house, "GUYS THERES SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE" he screamed he sounded really scared. But me and harvey looked at each other and laugh "There's nobody in the house dobby" i said, "B-but i heard something" dobby replied biting his nails. "I'm sure there's nothing here dobby" Harvey said. We walked back into the house and then we heard the door opening and saw this shadow just coming closer and closer...

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