Chapter 10

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The test they were doing took Pretty long and I was exhausted because I didn't sleep at all last night. The nurse came walking out of the room. Yes, it thought to myself, I can finally talk to Harvey. But exactly at that moment Harvey's family came running to the hospital. They walked to the nurse. "Hi I am his mum", Harvey's mum said. " we came here as fast as we could." " You can talk to him" the nurse said. I felt disappointed and awkward so I walked away. I walked back to my friends and I realised they was all still asleep on their chairs. I sat in a chair and fell asleep.

"Harley!", Max screamed in my ear. "What?!", i said annoyed but then I realised I was again. "What time is it?" , I asked. I looked outside and it was really dark. "How long did i sleep for?" "For the whole day!", Max answered. "Harvey has been asking about you all day but we thought we should just let you sleep." Max said. "Harvey wants to see me?" I said with a smile on my face. "Yes but you're not allowed to see him at night according to the doctor" Max said. Then what am I going to do all night? I thought to myself. I wasn't tired anymore and Max clearly was. "Why did you wake me?" I asked Max. "Well I thought you might need to eat and mine and Harvey's sister wants to talk to you" Max answered. I did feel really hungry but I was wondering why their sister wanted to talk to me so I went to her first. "Hey I'm harley" I said to her. "So are you special girl Harvey can't stop talking about?" She said. "I guess" I said smiling. She ignored me and said " it's your fault he's in hospital and somehow he likes  you." She said. " I thought you were that amazing girl But you're just this normal basic girl that is just looking for attention just uses boys because you're bored. Well guess what? I'm not gonna let you do that to my brother. So you better stay away from him." She said really mad. "Do you think I kissed Harvey because I was bored?..."  i was really offended. She just looked at me and then walked away.

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