Chapter 15

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Matt POV

When I got back I started listening to Happy Little Pill because that was our song. Victoria seemed depressed for some reason.

The door opened and it was Victoria. "Hey babe, have a good day?" She just ignored me, she usually replies. She went straight to the bathroom.

Victoria POV

When I saw Matt I tried to ignore him and went straight into the bathroom. I know what I got to do. Cut. I grab a razor I packed and started cutting.

I cut for over an hour and was already scarring. I really didn't care what Matt thought I didn't really care what anyone thought all I know is that I was having Bart take me home after the show. "Victoria what are these?" Matt asked me. "Nothing Matt okay jeez!" I said and packed my stuff.

"Why are you packing?" Matt asked. I didn't want to tell him but I had to. "I'm going home tonight, after the show. I'm homesick and want to go home I miss my parents and friends." He said nothing just walked out of the room.

Matt POV

Victoria was homesick so I have to get some family and friends to come and see her preform tonight! Her parents said they would come and some of her friends said they would come.

Victoria POV

I can't wait for the show tonight I'm so happy! 5minutes until show I'm so excited. Finally my turn and when I walk out I see my family and friends in the front row. Unexcpeted but ok I'm fine with that. After I finish everyone is cheering and clapping.

I meet up with everyone as soon as we are done. "Bye guys I'm going home but Ella isn't I'm only going home cause I'm homesick! I'll miss you guys a lot bye!" I start to walk out the door and then get stopped by my dad.

"Your not going home your staying here ok." that made me more sad. I hear Matt start singing Stay by FGL and I started crying. "Matthew I love you I'm sorry!" I hugged him then he picked me up and I put my legs around his waist and kissed him.

"Never leave me again okay!" I say "What does this say?" he kisses me again. "I guess that means okay!" I say and we laugh for a few minutes.

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