Chapter 33

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Matt POV

After Victoria told me she was pregnant my heart dropped because she hadn't told me earlier.

"Hey Ariana!" I shouted and waved at her.

"Yo Espinosa!" She shouted back and waved.

I laughed a little and then went over and sat by Victoria.

I smiled when I heard her talking to her belly.

"Hey babe, how do you feel?" I asked her and kissed her cheek.

"Fine, how about your self?" I laughed "I'm great!" I beamed.

"Matt something isn't right." She said with tears forming in her eyes.

I took her hand "What is it?" She looked scared.

"I think my water broke!" She yelled.

Ariana and I raced over to her. She's going into labor Oh My Jesus!

"I'm not ready for this!" She yelled.

I called an ambulance and within seconds they were here.

"Did her water break?" I asked the ambulance people.

"No, but she's getting ready to go into labor." They said then pushed me out of the way.

They wouldn't even let me get close to her so I decided to round up the gang.

Phone convo
(M-Matt, N-Nash)
M: Hey Nash! Are the guys at your house?
N: yeah why?
M:Well Victoria didn't tell me she was 9 months pregnant with my baby and she's about to go into labor!
N: we are on our way! Bye.

They hung up and so did I. I was worried about what might happen.

4 minutes later Nash came. "What the fuck? Why weren't u here sooner?"

I sighed and got in the car. "Carter, I'm scared." "About what?" He asked concerned.


Hehehe cliffhanger:) Okay so the sequel is called 'Christmas Baby' and it may be up about 2-3 weeks after Christmas because I'm going to Cali.

Anyway! Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Follow!!


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