eighteen - his sacrifice

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I'm dreading this chapter.

I sat down comfortably, hoping no one would be like. 'Oh it's an avenger how cool let's talk to her'

No, don't talk to me because I'll freeze your mouth shut.

I looked to my right and noticed a woman yelling. "Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!"

I sighed and got up. "I'll go find him ma'm."

I walked off and towards the market that was very close to the lifeboat.

The area was so dusty that even squinting didn't work. I stopped walking and looked around.

I spotted him by some rubble and dashed over to him, the sooner we get back onto the lifeboat the better.

"Hey Costel." I put my arms out like a mother picking up a baby. "Your family is looking for you, let's go there shall we?"

He had a good sized cut on his forehead. I got worse. He's handling this all very well.

He nodded and reached for me. I picked him up and started walking back to the lifeboats.

Rapid gunfire was heard somewhere, I can see Thor and Dad far off on my right.

The gunfire was going right for them, "WATCH OUT!" I yelled as loud as I could.

They disappeared in the dirt and dust coming up from the bullets hitting the ground, just then I realized it was coming right for me.


The boy tightened his hold around me, he was scared probably as much as I am.

I crouched down, putting myself over the boy. I'll take a bullet for a child any day. Like Peggy would do for me.

A strong force basically almost pushed me over. I didn't feel a single bullet hit me.

I glanced up.

Pietro stood right there, countless bullet wounds all over his body.

I felt my heart being ripped from my chest.

I don't care if I knew him only two days, he's an avenger.

I consider him a friend.

"You didn't see that coming." He spoke weakly.

Tears streamed down my face. I stood there holding the boy in my arms, not moving a muscle.

Is this what shock is like? Not being able to move?

He toppled over and hit the ground. His eyes didn't leave mine.

 His eyes didn't leave mine

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