Chapter 6

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I'm the first one up...Again. I sighed as I got off the couch I was sleeping on. The others and I had rented a room at some motel that was close to Lexie's school. 

Jack had though that if Lexie hadn't left yet, we could go to her school and she'd see us. Then everything would be okay again. I think she left. 

"Whoa! Ugh..." I grunted as I came in contact with the floor. I looked behind me to see what I tripped on. Gab'es trench coat...Figures. 

I heard Gabriel groan as he sat up.

"Hey, Lacie," He cocked his head. "Why are you on the floor?" 

"Because I tripped over Gabe's stupid trench coat." I said as I got up. 

He nodded in understanding. We've all tripped over Gabe's coat once or twice. 

"Yeah. C'mon, let's get everyone up. We're gonna be late." 

"Since when do you care about being late?" 

"Since I care about Lexie and her life being on the line!" 

"What?" I'd woken everyone up but Jack.

I sighed. "Lexie's started her transformation, she got her wings."

"Well, that's good...Right?" Luke asked. 

"No. It's not. Lexie's not strong enough to survive it." 

"Lexie's not gonna be strong enough to survive what?" I heard Jack ask. 

When I looked at him, he looked worried, so I told him everything Ryan told me. When I finished, Jack had a look of determination on his face. 

"We gotta find her. We have to." 

"I know, Jack. And we will find her. Now everyone get ready. We gotta go soon." 

Murmurs of "okay" and "alright" were heard throughout the room. 

I looked back at Gabe, who seemed to be frozen in place. 

"Gabe?" I asked as I went up to him. 

"We have to find her." 

"We will...Now go get ready." 

He mumbled something under his breath before going to get ready. 

I sighed. This is gonna be a helluva day. 

The Reunion-Book 2 to the TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now