Chapter One - Natural Enemies

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(Note: Picture used is Dylan's general appearance)


"Fucking fag!"
"Get your hands off me, you sweaty meat bag!"
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to!? You're so fucking dead!"

Crowds of students surrounded us as fists were flying and more insults were thrown towards each other. Some watched in amusement, chanting "fight! fight! fight!" to encourage us, while others just rolled their eyes and walked away.

"They're at it again?" I heard one say

This wasn't new with us. Mike and I have hated each other from the very beginning, ever since freshman year. It's gotten to the point where if we so much as look at each other the wrong way, we're on each other like wild animals. I've lost count over the amount of visits to the school nurse as a result of another clash between us. We've both been suspended from school a few times before because of it, but it doesn't change anything - Mike and I were just born to hate each other. I hate that arrogant smile of his, I hate the way he acts like he's the best football player in the world, and I hate him and his lame jock friends thinking they own the school.

Just as I'm about to land another fist against his pathetic smug face, I feel a pair of hands pulling me back by the collar, putting an abrupt stop to our fight.

"Mr. Raymond and Mr. Longe" says Mr. Barber, our school counsellor, who held Mike with his other hand. "Let's take a visit to my office, shall we?"

He ordered the rest of the students to get back to class, and they all do so obediently, while Mike and I take that all-too familiar walk to Mr. Barber's office.

It doesn't surprise me when we're told we've been suspended...again. I just roll my eyes and shake my head, not phased in the slightest. Same old fucking song and dance.

"These fights have got to stop, boys" Mr. Barber tells us as he leans forwards and rests his elbows on his desk. "Now, tell me. Why do you do it?"

"Uhh, because I hate him?" I replied, shrugging my shoulders sarcastically

"Likewise, fag"

"That's enough!" Mr Barber snapped. "Now, during your suspension, there's going to be something else too"

Mike and I look at each other, equally puzzled, then turned back to Mr. Barber. "What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, you two are in the same Science class, and I understand you have a project coming up. Is that right?" We both nodded in response.

"Well, the principal and I have discussed something we'd like to add to your suspension" Mr Barber explained. "And we're going to make you partners for the project"

"You gotta be kidding me!" Mike immediately complained. "There's no way in hell I'm working with him!"

"I'm not working with him either" I added. "It's a terrible idea. It won't work"

"Well, you're going to have to make it work, Mr. Raymond, because you ought to know that at this point, we can expel you both"

This made Mike's complexion turn white with fear. "M-Mr Barber, I can't get expelled!" he protested. "I need my scholarship for college!"

I didn't show it, but that made me nervous too. Not over college, but how Dad would lose his rag once he found out. He already gets mad enough when I get suspended, but expelled? That's a whole different story. As the thought came to mind, I bit my lip and looked down at the small bruise on my wrist, gentling covering it up with my sleeve.

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