Chapter Nine - Betrayal

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(Note: Picture used is Mark's general appearance)


I was on a high for the next few days, despite the looming anxiety of having to make that inevitable statement to the police, which I told Mike I'd do once I felt ready. As much as I wanted my dad to finally face up to what he's done, it was something I had to prepare myself for, especially as there was the possibility of nothing coming out of it, therefore giving him even more of a motive to hurt me. That, and his position in authority didn't help either.

Despite it all though, Mike and I were together a lot after school, and when we weren't, we'd be texting each other instead. The other worry we had was our friends finding out about us, but I pushed it to the back of my mind. It was minor in comparison into what I would have to do eventually. Also, the truth is, I liked the whole thrill and excitement of having a secret relationship. We weren't official yet, especially not in a place like high school, but my feelings for Mike only grew day by day. Oh, and the sex was incredible too. I couldn't get enough of him, even though it always left me with a sore ass by the end.

Regardless, having him in my life made it so much better than before. With him, I didn't feel the need to rely on alcohol so much anymore. I'd still have the odd drink that I stashed under my bed, but my trips to the liquor store became less and less frequent all thanks to him.

I've become more motivated in my school work too, and I've seen a few improvements in my grades. Because of this, Dad has backed off a little bit - for now at least. He still calls me a failure and praises my brother like some kind of saint, but physically, he's left me alone. It's made me feel even more anxious about this statement, especially when I realised I had little to no evidence apart from the bruises and the whips on my back, and would they even be able to find his DNA?

I didn't want to think about it. For now, I was fairly content with life. Mike and I had been texting each other while I was at my desk doing my homework. I couldn't wait to finish high school. Perhaps we could become official once we finished, and the thought of it gave me butterflies and made me chuckle. God, I sounded like such a chick.

Just then, I heard a ping on my phone, notifying me of a Facebook message. I picked it up and saw it was from Mark, so I unlocked my phone and opened it and my heart immediately dropped the moment I read the message.

WHAT THE FUCK DYLAN it read angrily, while underneath there was a picture of Mike and I kissing by the parking lot by Eddie's Diner, where we went again the other night.

Before I could reply, another message popped up from Phil, with the same picture: What's going on dude?

Suddenly I was bombarded with messages from my peers, including some of Mike's friends.


You're fucking disgusting!

Keep away from me. I don't want to turn gay too!

Get aids, queer

I could hardly breathe from the pure shock of it all. I don't know who took that picture of us, but I knew I needed to phone Mike immediately. However, my phone had become practically explosive with messages, so I decided to take the battery out and not turn it back on for the rest of the night. 

And just like that, my content, like fragile glass, shattered into a million pieces.

The next morning, I turned my phone back on, relieved the find that there were no more messages. I ignored each and every one, and instead sent a text to Mike.

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