Chapter Three - Living Nightmare

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I finally got the chance to charge my phone as soon as I arrived home. As soon the screen came to life, it buzzed with four text messages and two missed calls from Mike, as well as a phone call and a voicemail from Dad. I shouldn't be surprised, as I knew he'd figure out I disappeared at some point last night to go to Mark's.

"Dylan, I know where you've gone, and as soon as you come back, you're in deep trouble, you understand?"

I had to swallow my fear, even though this wasn't new to me, since this isn't the first time I've sneaked out. Mom used worry herself sick when she couldn't find me in the house, but now it's become such a regular occurrence that she doesn't so much as call when she finds me missing.

It'd be the same thing with Dad - yell, beat, repeat. Every. Single. Time. It didn't stop me though. No matter how many times he'd try to beat me senseless, if I had the opportunity to get out the house, I was gonna take it. When was he gonna get it through his skull that I wasn't going to stop trying to get away from this shit hole? But despite that, the realisation of having to go through another beating hit me with both fear and dread.

As if on cue, my phone rang, Dad's caller ID lit up. Taking a deep breath, I picked up the phone. "Yeah?" I answered, covering my anxieties like a mask.

"And where were you last night?" Dad immediately asked me

"At a friend's"

"And you thought you could just leave without permission?"

"Yep" I smirked, feeling a little amused at his need to point out the fucking obvious

Although I couldn't see him, I could tell he was getting angry. "Listen here, you little bastard" he growled under his breath, clearly trying to keep his cool at work. "As soon as I get my hands on you, you're gonna be sorry"

I didn't answer, as I hung up immediately. Gulping hard, I dashed up the stairs and decided to take a quick shower, before I'd go out yet again.

Part of me was telling me to stay and face up to Dad's punishment, but another part of me told me to run away again. I tried to slow my heavy breathing as the hot water poured all over me, soaking my skin and hair. I hated how quick he got to me, how easy it was for him to scare me. I hated to admit it, but I was scared of my own father, deep down. I only hid the fear so he wouldn't see how terrified I truly was. He loved to pounce on any weakness I showed, so I had to cover it up as much as I could. I'm convinced Dad gets some kind of sick kick from doing this to me, as if beating the crap out of prisoners wasn't enough for him. If he could abuse his power as a correctional officer, he could easily do it as a father, if I could even call him that.

After I got out the shower and dried off, I decided to call Valerie. By now, school would have ended. It wouldn't be another hour or so until my parents got home, but Jake would be back soon, and I knew the goody-goody dweeb would rat me out. I called her number, but it went to voicemail. She was probably starting her shift at Vee's coffee shop.

Quickly changing into some clean clothes and packing my bag, I rushed down the stairs, but quickly stopped in my tracks when I saw the front door open. My heart immediately dropped when I recognised the familiar shape shift into the hallway.

I remained frozen in place, not so much as moving a muscle as my dad let himself in and looked right up at me, his gaze cold and un-moving.

"D-Dad? I thought you were at work..."

"They let me go early, luckily for you" He then looked down and spotted my bag hanging from my shoulder. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Oh, uhh, nowhere. I just left something at a friend's-"

"You think I'm stupid, Dylan?" he asked callously as he stalked closer to me, his brows furrowed, like a predator ready to catch out his prey.

"No, really. We're working on a project together and-"

"I know what you're doing!" he cut me off. "Your school counsellor explained everything"

"Okay. Well, I left something at his, so..."

He jabbed his large finger against my shoulder. "You're doing no such thing. I know you were trying to run away again to avoid punishment"

"It's not punishment, it's borderline abuse!" I raised my voice at him, suddenly filled with rage. He was slightly taken aback, but before he could even think to respond, I continued: "You say there's something wrong with me, but it's you who's got a problem! People like you should-"

But I was interrupted when his fist landed on my face, knocking me in the right eye. I stumbled back and fell on the stairs, my eye throbbing as he pulled me up the stairs by my collar to my room.

"You see what happens when you disobey me?" he spoke softly, but still with the same bleak tone. "I don't like punishing you Dylan, I really don't, but you just ask for it. It's such a shame that I ended up raising a junkie"

I didn't answer him, instead lying in the middle of the floor, my breathing shaky and my body stiff from shock. I heard him walk away, until he got to the door.

"Oh, and by the way" he paused. "As soon as you're 18, you're out of this house"

I couldn't even do so much as croak a response. I just lay there, my eye forced shut from my the blow and hot tears swimming down my cheeks. I wished more than anything that I would just die on the spot right then and there.

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