Chapter Two - Study Date

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(Note: Picture used is Mike's general appearance)


I looked at the time on my phone - 10:30am. Dylan is now 30 minutes late. He was meant to come over for a couple of hours so we can make a start on this project and get it over with. He's so gonna get it if he doesn't show. I'm not risking my scholarship for that dick.

I picked up my phone and sent him another text - Seriously, where the fuck are you?

It had been my fourth time texting him now, and he hadn't replied to one. I've tried calling too, but they all went straight to voice mail.

Getting pissed off from waiting around for his stupid ass, I decided to start on my own. I'll have to explain to Mr. Barber that Dylan didn't bother to participate when he was supposed to. Hopefully both him and the principal will realise that, and send me back to school. Dylan can get expelled and be a fuck up if he wants, but I'm not gonna do the same.

Just as I was about to start, I heard a knock on the door. Sighing, I got up and went to answer it. I swung the door open to see Dylan, looking as though he'd just rolled out of bed with messy hair and wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday - also smoking a cigarette. Christ, what a pathetic display.

"You're late" I said bluntly

Dylan stomped out his cigarette and shrugged. "Uhuh"

"That's all you've got to say? When I say 10am, I mean 10am!"

"Geez, sorry Mom" Dylan rolled his eyes as stepped into the hallway and kicked off his shoes. "I sneaked out and went to Mark's last night. He lives towards downtown, so I had to take the bus okay?"

"Okay, but what about the texts I sent you? You didn't answer to any of them"

"My phone's dead"

"Fine" I grunted, already wanting to drag his trampy ass and kick him the fuck out of my house. A strong scent of beer hit my nostrils as he hung up his jacket. "And you've been drinking too" I scoffed. "Jesus, you're a joke"

"Oh, fuck off!" he spat, suddenly raising his voice. "I've seen your Facebook posts about your lame parties, so don't you go acting all prissy on me, college boy"

"Yeah, it's a little thing called the weekend and the end of semester, you dumb faggot"

"Whatever, I don't care" he mumbled, making his way to the dining room table. On his way, I could see him evidently scoff and roll his eyes at our trophy shelf, but I dismissed it. The last thing we need right now is another fight. Plus, at least I have something to be proud of, unlike him.

"Did you even shower?" I asked as we sat down, the smell coming off stronger now.


"It shows. You fucking stink"

"No shit. Can we just get on with this please?"

And so, we began on the first part of our project. Well, I did, at least. Dylan mostly just lay back on his chair, only ever mumbling "mhmm" or "yeah" when I'd go through things with him. It made me want to punch his face in, but I bit my tongue and kept my fists back. If this was what I had to do to keep my scholarship, then so be it. Once this week was over, I'd keep myself away from that freak at school, and then even further away once we graduate and I start studying at South Carolina.

By the time we'd gotten through the first part, we decided to have a break and retreated to the living room. We had some soda in the fridge and a couple of snacks, so I brought them out to share between us.

"So now we've covered the basics, we just gotta go into some more detail for each of our points"

"Sure, whatever" he replied, cracking his can open.

"And then you can go home or see your boyfriend, okay?"

"Fuck off, Mark's not my boyfriend" he scowled at me. "And I'm not gay"

This made me want to laugh, but I hid it with a snort. "Really? Because you look like it"

"Uh, do you see me wearing a fucking ascot and reading fashion magazines? Go fuck yourself"

"Tight jeans and all those old school band shirts? What are you, from the 80's or something? That's fucking gay"

"Better than the shit you listen to, and at least I don't act like a tool"

Smirking, I raised my eyebrow at his comment. "Oh, so I'm a tool?" I questioned. "How, exactly?"

"It's obvious" he said, laying further back on the chair. "You act like the typical jock from a high school film, thinking it makes you look cool. But in real life, you're lame as shit"

I had to laugh at his sheer hypocrisy. "Well, if I'm so 'lame as shit', how come I've got a scholarship to a good college, and you don't?"

"Correction - you had a scholarship. You're only gonna get it if you pass this project"

"If we pass this project" I corrected him, gritting my teeth in irritation. "So you better stop fucking around, because if I fail because of you? You're dead"

"Easy there, kiddo" Dylan stretched his arms, before sitting back upright. I clenched my fists tight at his snarky comment, but released them. No matter what, I mustn't knock him out.

We returned to our project and fortunately, he didn't piss me off so much this time. I made didn't act like such a lazy fuck this time around. Although as soon as he left for the day, I was more than glad to see the back of him.

"Fucking douchebag" I growled under my breath as soon as I closed the door on him, but I took a deep breath and sighed in relief. At least our project was at a good start, and as I wasn't going to let him laze around like a jackass, he at least participated.

Tomorrow, I had to go to his house. We agreed to take it in turns, so now I had to face the dread of going over. I had no doubt his house was a shit shack filled with empty alcohol bottles and trash everywhere - it would only make sense for a loser like him.

I sighed again, reminding myself of the scholarship. The sooner we'd get back to school and things return to normal, the better.

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