Chapter Fifteen - Promise

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That summer, Mike and I barely left each other's side. We wanted to make the most of it before he was to start college - spending days in playing video games, going out for lunch and dinner dates, spending time with our friends out in the skate park and the mall and even a trip to Six Flags. It was hands down, one of the best summers ever, but yet the date when Mike would leave for South Carolina came closer, and as much as I tried to put it at the back of my mind, it was still there looming over me.

Before I knew it, it was the night before Mike had to leave. We decided the spend his last day in the park, hanging out with friends and having a few drinks here and there. By the time the evening came around, everyone else began to head off home, but Mike and I decided to stay a little longer, sitting beside each other on the swing sets.

"Good luck, bro" Nate fist bumped him as he made his leave.

"See you around, man. And good luck, yeah?" Mark patted him on the shoulder. I had to stifle a laugh, because I would've never have known Mark to even think about saying things like that to someone he used to consider an enemy, but Mark changed this year. We all did.

"You look after Dylan now, okay?" Valerie hugged him, before turning to me. "And you. Keep your head up and study hard this time"

"Thanks Val" I chuckled. "I will"


"Cross my heart and hope to die"

"Good. See you around, guys"

"Later Val" we both said

Lastly, Phil ended with a fist bump to both of us, simply wishing us both good luck. I watched as they walked away, making a grab for Mike's hand and squeezing it tight.

"You okay?" he looked over at me with those alluring green eyes.

No, I wasn't. I wasn't sure I could face him leaving me, after everything we'd been through over the last few weeks. He proved to me that I was loved and cared about, something my parents lacked with me big time. He showed me I did have potential and a talent for the things I wanted to do. And while there were members of my family who didn't see me as garbage and wanted me in their lives, I didn't want to face anything alone, not without him.

I had to fight back the tears. I didn't want to cry and make Mike feel bad, after all, so I simply mumbled: "I'm fine..."

"You don't look fine"

I felt that familiar lump in my throat, and swallowed it down. "I-it's just....." I froze for a moment, my words suddenly lost and my tongue tied.

Mike cocked an eyebrow at me curiously. "Just?"

I sighed, swallowing down the lump again and pushing back the tears that were ready to start. "I'm just...I'm gonna miss you so much. I don't want you to go"

My voice cracked on the last sentence, and I had to cover my mouth, biting down on my lip in another attempt to stop the tears.

Mike leaned over, placing his strong arms over me as he kissed on the cheek. "I know, Dylan. I'm so sorry...."

"No, don't apologise" I insisted. "You worked for your scholarship and I almost ruined it, so don't let me get in the way"

Mike chuckled at that as he remembered that day we got suspended. "Dude, we both almost fucked it up. All over a stupid fight"

I smiled as I looked back on that day myself. It was a day that, ironically, actually brought us together. I didn't know whether it was fate, or just a coincidence. Either way, it brought us together, and I couldn't be more grateful.

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