Chapter Seven - Cry For Help

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As soon as the door slammed behind me, I knew I was in for it. Before I could even open my mouth to speak, Dad had already grabbed me by the collar and started lugging me upstairs. I didn't attempt to fight back. Instead I just prayed that whatever he was going to do, he'd just get it over with and be done quickly.

Once we reached my bedroom, he let go of my collar and threw me. I was able to catch my balance just as he slammed the door, the loud bang making me cringe.

"You disrespect this family" he began quiet, his voice cold and emotionless. "You disobey me and your mother"

I could only watch in utter fear as he unbuckled his belt, my stomach becoming sick with unease at the uncertainty of what he was going to do. "You drink, you smoke, you lie, cheat, and now you're doing such disgusting acts with another man"

"Dad, look-"

"Don't interrupt me!" he yelled suddenly. "You know damn well that I think people like that are a disgrace! And now? Well, my own son has become one of them! It's bad enough that I ended up raising a disappointment, but a faggot? I won't have it"

I began to tremble, my heart hammering in my chest and my legs becoming feeble. My throat had become so tight with fear, making it difficult to swallow, let alone speak a single word.

"Shirt off" he demanded, his voice hush once again.

Still trembling, I did what I was told obediently as I shakily pulled the shirt over my head before dropping it onto the floor. He walked up slowly towards me, gripping his leather belt in his hand. I figured out what was going to happen now, so simply closed my eyes and waited.

He gripped the back of my neck, before taking his first lash. The snap of the whip against my skin instantly stung me, and I couldn't stifle a cry.

"Shut up!" Dad hissed cruelly in response. "You brought this on yourself!"

He took another whip, angrily cracking his belt against my back, the lashes thrashing as the piercing pain of my fresh wounds screamed on my skin. I bit down on my lip in agony as tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision.

He took a few more lashes, no doubt his head filled with that sick pleasuring feeling he got with each slash, if not even more so than usual. At one point, I could feel the blood from one of my wounds trickle down my spine. It was then when he finally stopped. The moment he did, my legs gave out and I stumbled, falling to the floor.

"I hope you learnt your lesson" he said callously, looming over me like a shadow. "And if I see you do anything, or even see you with him again, you're done for"

He finally left after that, slamming the door hard and leaving me in the middle of my room - my wounds still bleeding and my body still trembling from shock.

The rest of the night I just lay there, my face down on the floor, wailing painfully until I fell asleep.

I was woken up by the sound of someone knocking hard at the door. I remained in the same position all night and didn't even get up to move to my bed, so my body was stiff and achy as I dragged myself up from the floor an down the stairs.

"Dylan!" Mike jumped in to hug me as soon as I opened the door. "Are you okay?"

I winced, the wounds on my skin still fresh from last night and stinging from his embrace, so backed away.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

I couldn't look at him, my whole body filled with shame as I recounted the events of last night. I stared down at the floor, tears invading my eyes once again and my body quivering. I felt him come closer to me, placing his big hands on my shoulders.

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