Chapter Five - An Unexpected Turn

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Valerie pulled up to her drive just as I was about halfway through my whiskey, my head beginning to spin and my balance becoming uneven.

"Jesus, Dylan" she sighed as she walked up the driveway. "Why are you drinking that?"

"I dunno..." I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders, although I knew perfectly well. Truth be told, alcohol was something that helped me forget all the shit that was happening in my life, and if I was going to damage my liver for that, then so be it.

"Come on, let's get inside" she took me by the arm and lead me in. The sudden movement made me stumble, almost falling over in the hallway.

"You're drunk as fuck, aren't you?"

"M-maybe...." I slurred

Valerie just sighed and crossed her arms, looking like a mother disappointed in her son for breaking the neighbour's window with a baseball. "Well, luckily for you, my parents are out tonight, otherwise they'd never let you stay"

"Thank you....Val...."

"Come on, you need to sober up. You need food"

Valerie's parents had left her some mac and cheese to microwave for dinner. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I started eating, suddenly shoving spoonfuls in my mouth and swallowing quickly.

"You're a mess, Dylan" Valerie sighed as she sat down beside me on the couch.

"I get that a lot" I mumbled through a mouth full of mac and cheese

"So, that black eye..."

"My dad, as you probably already guessed"

"Jesus! You need to do something about this!" Valerie asserted. "Seriously, it's abuse!"

"I know, but what can I do?"

"You tell social services, of course! He can't get away with this!"

The sad truth is, he probably could. I know if I got social services involved, he'd use my drinking and my school suspensions against me. There's no way Mom or Jake would back me up either. Social services would see him as the perfect father, only wanting to best for his kids, but unable to control his 'out of control' son. I'd immediately become the bad guy because of my habits. That, and I know for a fact that Dad would use this to punish me even harder. I just know it. I didn't tell Valerie any of this though, so I just shrugged.

"I'm worried about you, Dylan. I really am..." she placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her for a moment. She had such a beautiful face, especially those bright eyes of hers. Despite breaking up, I still had underlying feelings for her. Before I could even think about it, I was leaning in for a kiss. However, she quickly blocked me and pushed me away gently.

"Look, I care about you and all, but-"

"I still like you, Val. I really do"

"Well, clearly not enough" she frowned, her voice turning cold

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious!?" she suddenly snapped, her voice filling the quiet room. "I gave myself to you. I gave up my innocence to you, and what do you do? Brag to Mark and Phil about it, even though I specifically told you not to tell anybody!"

Remembering what happened, I dropped my head into my hands. "Oh god, Val..." I groaned. "God, I remember that. I am so fucking sorry..."

"It's okay..." she quietened down. "I forgive you. I mean, I wouldn't have let you stayed if I didn't"

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