Chapter Four - This Doesn't Make Us Friends

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(Note: Picture used is Valerie's general appearance)


I knocked on the door at exactly 10am, as we arranged. While I waited, I looked around to observe Dylan's house. To my surprise, it wasn't a shit shack - well, not on the outside, anyway.

I knocked again after no one answered. I wondered if the lazy fucker was even up. I was about to ring him when I suddenly saw the front door swing open. Unsurprisingly, he was in sloppy clothes and his hair was a mess, just as it was yesterday. Besides that, he also had a great big shiner on his right eye.

"I'm just gonna get some breakfast" he yawned, letting me into the house. "I just woke up"

"Yeah, I can tell"

Ignoring my comment, he went into the kitchen and came back with a bowl full of Lucky Charms, the bowl overfilled with milk. He slurped and crunched so obnoxiously loud as he ate, that it took every part of my willpower not to give him a matching shiner on his other eye.

"You want anything?" he asked once he finished

"I'm good" I replied. "But uhh, what happened to your-"

"I fell down the stairs" he cut me off, shrugging his shoulders. I just nodded at his response, although I didn't really believe it. Knowing him, he probably just got into fight with another junkie on the street.

We continued on our project as normal. Dylan was still just as disinterested as he was yesterday and was yawning constantly, but at least we were able to make progress again. As I said before, there was no way I was doing all the work myself.

We decided to watch TV on our break. Dylan lay back on the couch and lit up his cigarette, something I can't imagine his parents would approve of, granted they weren't junkies themselves. It didn't seem like it though, as Dylan's house sat on a regular suburban street, not one that was particularly notorious for crime or anything. Plus, from the pictures that hung up around the walls and mantelpiece above the fireplace, his parents looked like normal people. I wondered where along the lines they fucked up and ended up with a waste of space junkie like Dylan.

Daytime TV was never interesting to watch, so we made conversation. Well, by conversation, we insulted each other until we had to get back to work - or, it started out that way, at least.

"I can't wait til this is over" I sighed, leaning my head back on his couch. "You're a total nightmare, you know that?"

"The feeling's mutual, buddy" he answered back. "At least once this is over, I won't have to deal with your pompous ass again"

"I'm not pompous"

"Yeah, you are" he snorted. "Like I said yesterday, have you seen the way you act? It's sad, dude"

"You're just jealous. You always have been. Is that why you hate me?"

"No. I hate you because you were always a dick to me"

I cocked an eyebrow again, curious by this. "Example?"

"I dunno, throwing a sandwich day on the very first day of high school?"

"Oh come on!" I laughed as I remembered the way the baloney slapped against his back. "You know it was just a joke-"

"Not to mention stealing my girlfriend last year!"

"Dude, you were a bad boyfriend, okay?" I argued. "Kaitlyn said so herself! She said all you cared about was drinking and sex"

"And you weren't?" he questioned. "Come on, I've seen the way you and your dumb friends talk about the girl you 'banged' at your party. You're no better"

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