Chapter Eight - Back To School

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The following Monday when we had to return to school was depressing to say the least. I won't lie when I say it was difficult to pretend to hate Dylan again, but we had to go along with our act. We could've come back as just friends, but his friends Mark and Phil don't know anything about it, and they still hate me, and my friends feel the same way about Dylan. We had to pretend to continue this little ridiculous "jocks vs rockers" feud we've had for years, despite how we felt now. The only one who knows we got a tiny bit friendly was Valerie, but even she couldn't know about how much our relationship had progressed.

"So, we got the big project today" Nate said as I opened up my locker. "How did it go with Dylan?"

"It was a fucking nightmare" I had to lie. Well, half lie more specifically, as that was how I felt at first. "I'm lucky if I even get a C in this"

"He's so pathetic" My other friend Jason added. "I saw him at the liquor store the other night, it's like his second home or something. The fucking loser"

I had to suck up the insults and resist the urge to say anything. It was going to be hard enough having to call him these fake names myself, but at least he knew I didn't mean it. However, listening to my friends insult him wasn't going to be as easy.

Just then, Dylan and his friend Mark came walking down the hallway, Dylan with his head down and his hands stuffed in his pockets. Another thing that had been worrying me was his relationship with his dad. I told my dad about what was happening as soon as he came home from work last night. He agreed to help me, although Dylan would have to make a statement to the police first. I knew to tell him this as soon as school was over, because it was painful seeing him living in fear and hurt of someone who was supposed to take care of him.

I wasn't planning on saying anything to Dylan or Mark, but when Mark caught me looking over, he jumped right in. "Take a picture, asshole. It'll last longer!"

"Oh fuck off, you skinny bastard" I retaliated. I may feel differently about Dylan, but I still despised Mark. It was his stupidly short temper and his constant need to look like the "tough guy" in school, despite being a scrawny little prick.

"What the fuck did you just say to me!?" he got up in my face, but before I could react, Dylan pulled him back.

"Dude, leave it" he told him. "I have to do my project with him, remember?"

"Yeah, whatever" Mark muttered, rolling his eyes. "See you cunts later"

And with that, they left. Dylan and I didn't speak a word, or even look at each other. It was easier that way, I suppose, but the urge to kiss still loomed over me.

"Jesus, I swear Mark's always on his period" Nate laughed. "He was totally gonna go for you!"

"It wouldn't be hard to knock him out though" said Jason. "I'd probably be able to beat his skinny ass to a pulp"

"Kind of surprising Dylan stepped in though"

I just shrugged and brushed it off, not saying another word on the matter, before the bell rang for the next class.

Dylan and I had to present our project during our next Science class, and once the teacher called us up, we managed to start and finish it decently. I felt a huge sense of relief once we finished, and pretty satisfied over all with how it went. But I was hoping for a B at the very least, as it was vital that I kept my grades up for the sake of my scholarship. Dylan and I didn't speak for the majority of the day. Well, not verbally at least, but we'd send each other secret texts during class.

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