Chapter Twelve - Standing Strong

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Dylan and I returned to school the next day. Despite what happened just the night before, Dylan insisted that he was still okay to go, wishing to go on with life as normally as he could.

We got ourselves ready and had breakfast together before I would drive us to school. We decided that now our secret was out, we'd go to school with our heads high and hands held, and not care what the others may think or say. After all, we were now officially dating.

The moment we entered, holding hands as we walked by, people immediately stared, whispering to their friends and pointing. There'd be a few remarks thrown at us, but we carried on as we reached the entrance, not even acknowledging their words.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the fags of the school" Jason Hawker grinned his usual wicked smile as he stepped towards us from his locker, his little army of friends behind him. "Look at the pair of you. So cute"

"Fuck off, Jason" I scowled

"Or what?"

"Look, you made your point, okay? I get it that you hate my guts now, so just leave it"

"Yeah, well you used to be cool until you started hanging around with that freak" Jason shot daggers at Dylan, before averting his eyes to the marks on his neck.

"Shit, do you see that!?" he pointed them out to his friends. "What the fuck has this kid been up to!?"

Dylan flinched slightly, as if Jason had really hit him, and hunched his shoulders in humiliation.

"God damn, Mike. You been choking the poor bastard?" one of his friends jumped in

"You fags sure are kinky, huh" another one added

"Poor Dylan" Jason continued. "Or maybe it's to do with that dad of yours?"

Dylan flinched again, his arms wrapped tightly around his stomach and his nails digging into his arms. This only encouraged Jason, who grinned again as he took a few more steps towards Dylan, now only inches away from his face.

"Don't think I don't know what your daddy's been doing to you. I saw the way he grabbed you in the parking lot. Poor guy must be really fucking ashamed to know he spawned a worthless faggot"

Before I could even think about it, I had grabbed Jason by the collar and slammed him up against the locker. Students around us stopped and gasped as the lockers rattled aggressively against Jason's body.

"You can say whatever the fuck you want about me" I hissed angrily, my hand pressed against his shoulder. "But if you talk anymore shit about Dylan? Then I'll fuck you up so bad, you won't be playing football for a while"

Jason's eyes were wide and he began trembling like crazy. I could've swore there were tears in his eyes too. Before he could utter a word, Nate put his hand on my shoulder and gently pulled me away.

"Dude, that's enough" he said calmly. "You wanna get expelled?"

Jason sighed in relief as I released my grip, though still trembling slightly. "You're fucking crazy" he spat once I let him go. "And you're crazy too, Nate, for even wanting to be around this faggot"

"Well, you know what Jason? You're simply just a shitty friend" said Nate. "Only a douche would turn against his own friend for this, and that is exactly what you are"

Jason just scoffed, straightening up the collar of his varsity jacket. "Yeah, well I still can't believe it. Like, Why?"

"Well, perhaps this will make you understand" I grabbed Dylan by the shoulders, and kissed him hard in front of what felt like the entire school. Everyone apart from Jason and his friends cheered while Jason just scowled and muttered "Fucking disgusting", before him and his buddies finally walked away.

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