Part 6

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Pulling up to the hotel, Alex gently sat Mallory up. Mallory looked over and made eye contact with the older woman. Alex could see all the pain in her eyes.

"Mal honey, we need to get out of the car" Christen interrupted. Mallory looked ahead and slowly pulled herself out of the car. All of the girls began the walk back to the room. After getting off of the 4th floor of the elevator, Mallory turned to Alex.

"Alex, I'm really tired" Mal said.

"Its ok Mally we're almost back" Alex replied.

As soon as Mallory's and Christen's hotel door was open, Kelly and Tobin froze. Laying on Mallory's bed was one of Dansby's hoodies he gave to Mal. Mal kept walking then looked at the bed. Suddenly she felt her world caving in on her. Her legs suddenly gave out and she fell to the floor. Luckily Tobin and Kelly were there to catch her and Tobin guided Mallory into Kelly's arms on the floor. For the first time, this entire day, Mallory absolutely lost it. She sobbed out in pain. It was unbearable for everyone around her to hear. Kelly pulled Mal close to her and began to hum and rock her slowly. Mal was still hysterical. She was crying so hard she couldn't breath. Suddenly she began to hyperventilate and choke on her own tears. Mal instantly got up and ran to the bathroom slamming the door behind her. They immediately heard the young girl throw up again. Tobin and Kel exchanged sad looks. Mal sounded horrible.

"Do we give her space?" Tobin asked.

"No, you know how she is. If she is alone she will suffocate herself with her thoughts and hold it all in like when her parents died." Alex replied back. Everyone knew it was true. Mallory shouldn't be alone right now.

"Chris, you should go help her" Kel said. Tobin and Alex agreed.

"Me? Do you think she wants me?" Christen asked worriedly.

"Yes Chris, you are basically like a mom to her. You guys have a bond that none of us even come close to having with her. You should go help her out in there, then get her into the shower. We will wait out here for you guys" Alex told Christen.

Christen grabbed a wash cloth and wet it with cold water. She then grabbed Mallory's travel bathroom bag filled with her shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, along with two towels and knocked on the door. No reply.
"Mal?" Chris asked worriedly. "Mal are you ok in there?" Still no reply. "Ok Mal, I'm coming in." Christen slowly opened the door and the sight in front of her broke her heart. Mal was leaned over the toilet crying her heart out. Christen put the bag down and grabbed the cold wash cloth and draped it over Mallory's neck. Mallory, was surprised at the sudden contact and jumped. Looking up she realized it was just Press, and launched herself forward wrapping her arms around the woman. Both girls sat in the bathroom holding each other and crying for at least 20 minutes. Christen looked up at Mal. "'Mal I'm worried about you". No reply. "What about a nice bath to clean you up?". Mal slowly looked up and gave the slightest nod. Seeing how the girl was barely coherent, Christen knew there was no way Mal could take this bath by herself, but she didn't know how Mal would react.

"Do you want me to help you, or would you rather one of them. My feelings won't be hurt, I promise. I just want you to be comfortable." Christen told her.

"No, I want you" Mal replied in a raspy voice.

"Ok" Christen said with a small and soft smile. Christen helped the girl pull the shirt over her head and helped her step out of her pants. Mal stepped in the tub and pulled her legs to her chest and leaned her head on them. As the tub warmed she felt more relaxed.  Christen began to wash Mallory's hair then applied conditioner. Mallory relaxed as Christen washed out her hair. No words were exchanged the whole time. Alex walked in and placed a clean over sized T-shirt, underwear, and  sweatpants on the toilet.  Alex looked at Mal sitting there and realized just how skinny the girl had gotten over the past year. She was still healthy, but she really had no room to lose weight. Alex could basically see every rib. Alex made a mental note to make sure that Mal was eating.  Christen helped Mal stand up and pulled the towel around the girl. She then helped her get dressed and led her to the bed. On one bed, Kel and Tobin sat watching the TV. The soccer game was about to start. They were also watching Mal from the side of their eye but didn't want Mal to feel like they were invading her privacy. On the other bed, Alex sat on the left side. Mal sat on the bed and Christen went behind her and began to braid her wet hair. Once the braid was finished Christen lay down and pulled Mallory to her. Mallory curled up as the little spoon and placed her head into Alex's lap. Alex gently rubbed the  girl's cheek to help her fall asleep. Christen lay behind Mal, as the big spoon, and wrapped her arms around the girl. Before they knew it, Mal was fast asleep.

"What are we going to do guys? She is in so much pain." Alex said.

"I really don't know" Kel quietly replied.

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