Part 13

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It was now 9 days since Dansby had died. The funeral had happened and Mallory had finally made a statement on her social media about the incident. That was the only time she had really been on her phone in the last week and a half. Mal had fallen into a deep hole of depression. Getting out of bed seemed like an impossible task. A more impossible task tho, eating. She had only eaten when they had forced her to. Even then, she barely ate anything and felt sick to her stomach if she did eat.  She had lost 7 lbs in the last week and a half. A combination of the stress and lack of food was the cause. Mallory had wanted to return home and be alone but everyone on the team had refused. Everyone knew how bad of an idea that was. Mallory had now been living with Christen and Tobin. She slept in the guest bed and they had basically moved all of her stuff into the room. Christen has unpacked all the boxes and hung up Mallory's clothes. She tried to make it as comfortable as she could for Mal. But to Mal, it didn't matter. The lights were off and the door was closed almost 24/7 and she just laid in the bed and cried. Mallory had been in so much pain that she didn't know what to feel. It had been 2:30 pm when Christen came into the room with Alex and Kelly. Alex and Kelly has decided to come stay in the other guest room for a couple days to help out with Mallory. Christen had called them last time crying saying that she didn't know what to do. They immediately got on the earliest flight they could and had landed an hour and a half ago. Mallory had heard them come in but refused to say anything. She had barely spoken since they left the hotel. Christen laid down on the bed next to Mal while Kelly and Alex stood at the foot of the bed. Alex reached down and put her hand on Mal's leg. Mal immediately flinched and pulled away. Alex pulled away her hand like it had burned her.

"Mal we need to have a serious conversation" Christen began to speak in a light tone. Still no reply for Mal. Christen felt sympathy but she needed Mal to listen to her. Christen got up and opened all the curtains. Mal's eyes shut tight as she curled in on herself. Christen pulled the blanket off all the way. Now Mal had been irritated.

"What the fuck are you doing" Mallory yelled.

"I am trying to help you Mallory. We need to talk. You are depressed, I get it. I know that you don't see it. But you have a decision to make. What are you doing about the World Cup? Are you playing? Are you going to stay in the US and stay with your sister for a month? Are you going to go and sit on the bench? It's up to you. But what you decide, needs to be today. We leave for LA tomorrow for camp and next week we go straight to New York for the Parade. So start talking" Christen said in a straight forward voice. Mallory had been shocked. She didn't know that the camp had started tomorrow. She didn't know she had been in bed that long. She thought 4 days at most. All of her days and nights had blended together.

"I want to play. I need to play." Mallory said, starting to feel a little bit more confident.

"Are you sure your up for this?" Kelly asked, being slightly worried.

"I don't know but I know that I need to try." Mal replied. Christen, Tobin, Kel, and Alex had already been packed for the whole camp, New York, the  World Cup, and possible after events if they won. Mallory had not done a single thing. The rest of the night was spent helping Mallory get ready to leave with them tomorrow. Mallory finally felt enough courage and energy to get out of bed. She even ate dinner with everyone at the dinner table. Her first meal that she willingly ate in 9 days. After dinner everyone sat down on the couch to watch a movie. Mal had even laughed a few times during the movie. Mal was snuggled up next to Christen on the small couch. In the middle of the movie, Christen leaned down and whispered in Mallory's ear. " I want you to know that I am so proud of you. You are so strong and brave and you're going to get through this. And we will all be by your side, every step of the way. Don't you forget that."

Mallory looked up at her and smiled. "I love you. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I know that I have been difficult." Mal replied.

"You weren't difficult Mal. You were going through hell and just needed some extra love and support" Christen replied back as she gave Mal a small motherly kiss on the top of her forehead. The two of them fell asleep like that. Wrapped in a blanket, and snuggled together on the couch. Everyone was happy that Mallory was finally starting to come back to her old self.

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