Part 12

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It was 9 o'clock when the girls heard the knock on the door. Everyone had woken up but Mal, she was still knocked out from the sedatives. Tobin got up and answered the door. It was Jill. She walked in carrying coffee for everyone, including Mal. The women decided to wake up Mal so they could change the bandages on her hands to prevent an infection. Waking her up was quite the task, she was quite out of it. Christen shook her shoulder. Mal rolled over towards her.

"Mom?" Mal asked confused and groggy. Everyone sucked in a breath and stared at each other. Losing Dansby had been horrible, but knowing that the girl had lost her parents a couple years ago hurt more. Mallory had immediately realized what she had done. She sat up, extremely embarrassed.

"I am so sorry Christen, it was just a dream" Mal said while rambling on.

"Hey, hey it's ok, Mal" Kelly said from next to her.

Mal had a small tear run down her face but she wiped it away quickly.

"Mal we need to get these hands cleaned up" Jill said. Mallory hadn't realized that she was in the room.

Kelly and Alex were the ones who cleaned up the cuts. They were good at stomaching blood. Christen and Tobin sat on each side of her, holding her hand. Jill had left because she was very squeamish. The whole process of cleaning the cuts had been extremely painful. Tobin was holding her hand and could feel Mallory shaking. Tobin took her free hand and rubbed Mallory's hair to comfort her. Mal leaned her head on the woman and seemed more relaxed. Once her hands were all bandaged, Mal asked to lay back down and go to sleep. The woman agreed that the rest would probably help. So they laid her down and pulled the blankets up. They gave her a sedative to keep the bad dreams away and calm her anxiety. Before they knew it, she was asleep.

Mal Pugh Where stories live. Discover now