Part 25

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An hour later, Mal's fever had finally gone down a little bit and she was finally calmed down. Everyone else has decided to go to bed and give Mal space except Christen and Tobin. Mal laid with her head on Tobins chest and Christen laid behind Mal with her arms wrapped around the younger girl, hugging her tightly. Mal had stopped crying a little bit ago and was now held a glazed expression on her face.

"Hey bug, what are you thinking about?" Christen asked. She knew Mal shouldn't let her feelings stay bottled up. She was surprised when she actually answered tho.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this" she replied with her tone just above a whisper. Tobin and Christen locker eyes. They were both confused by what Mal was trying to say.

"Mal, what do you mean?" Tobin asked carefully.

"All of this. I'm just so tired. I just want to give up sometimes. It'd be so much easier." she replied slowly.

"Mal"  Christen replied in a shocked tone. She didn't know Mal actually felt this way. She knew that the girl was depressed. How could you not be after watching your fiancé die, after just recovering from the death of your parents? And to do it all while being a professional athlete in the public eye at such a young age?  But she didn't know that Mal felt this in pain. When Christen realized what was happening she had seen that Mal had turned and was looking at her. She looked so guilty.

"Christen, I'm so sorry" Mal said as she started to cry again. Christen realized that she was the reason Mal felt guilty.

"Mal, look at me. There is nothing that you have to be sorry for. Okay? I should have realized that you weren't okay. But Tobin and I are here now. We are going to help you through it all. We aren't going anywhere Mal"

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