Part 9

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Julie had been talking to Lindsey and several other girls, outside the room when she had heard Mallory making a lot of noise inside. From outside the room, everyone could hear her sobbing. The girls decided now was a good time to go. When Julie entered the room, nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. The TV had fallen off the hutch. It was clear that Mallory had pushed it over. The screen was cracked but sound still came out of the TV. Julie knew instantly what had happened. The reporter was currently still talking about Dansby's death. She suddenly heard a large crash. She turned around to look at Mallory. She had grabbed the large glass bowl of Mac and Cheese and through it had the wall. The bowl instantly shattered. Mallory grabbed the next closest thing to her, the lamp, and before Carli could stop her, she hit it against the wall. It was in slow motion for Julie. She saw the glass shatter and shred Mallory's hands and part of her right arm. Julie knew that the cuts were not life threatening, but that they would certainly need stitches. Then a switch went off in Mal and she stopped instantly. Julie looked to Carli and then they heard it.

"Dansby was on the way to Mallory's USWNT soccer game." Julie immediately ran to rip the cords from the TV to disconnect it. While this happened Carli ran to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. Neither of them heard Mallory slip out the door. Upon returning, they realized their mistake. Suddenly the door opened and Christen, Kelly, Alex, and Tobin walked through the door. Their jaw dropped.

"What the fuck happened" Alex practically yelled. She wasn't mad, but scared and confused.

"Where is Mal?" Chris asked. Carli and Julie began to retell the story. Instantly, everyone in the room was worried about Mal. Tobin called Jill and explained what had happened. Jill said she would come down and help them get everything cleaned up and she would pay for the damage. They all agreed Mallory was not at fault, and should not be punished, she couldn't control her mental state right now. Jill also said that they could take the van and look for her. The girls realized Mal just needed to cool off steam, but they also knew her mental state was fragile right now and that she also needed stitches.

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