Part 10

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It was currently 10:21 pm and Jill was now in the room. Alex, Kelly, and Christen decides to go out and look for Mal while Julie, Tobin, Jill, and Carli stayed back to clean.
It was now 11:37 pm and they had not heard anything from Mal. They were all so worried. Kelly, Christen, and Alex had walked everywhere and had just gotten into the car to begin driving around. Each girl had called Mallory's phone about 10 times, but still no answer. Suddenly, Christen's phone rang.

"Guys, Mal is calling" Christen practically yelled.

"Holy shit, thank god, put in on speaker" kelly demanded.

"Mal where are you, were worried" Christen asked.

The only reply was the sound of Mallory sobbing.

"Mal?" Kelly asked.

"Kelly I made a mistake." Mal said in between sobs.

"Mal, it's ok just tell us where you are." Alex told the girl.

"I'm at Dansby's house. Will you please hurry I don't feel good and I'm so alone" Mal was now full on crying at this point.

"It's ok Mal we will be there soon" Christen replied to comfort her. Suddenly Mal disconnected the call. Chris tried calling back but Mal didn't answer.

"Shit" Christen called out.

Alex was driving and Kelly gave directions because she had been there many times before. The drive was about 25 minutes away, but it took them about 15 because Alex drove very fast the whole way. Upon arriving at the door, nobody knocked, they just ran right in. All the lights were off. They checked several rooms and didn't find her until they came across Dansby's bedroom, upstairs. Upon turning on the lights they were all shook. Mallory laid facedown in the bed, sobbing. The white sheets were covered in blood. Mallory's hand and arm  were covered in small cuts that wouldn't stop bleeding. Upon closer inspection, small shards of glass could be seen in the cuts. In addition to the sheets being covered in blood, so was Mallory's clothes, hair, and skin. Kelly jumped into action and grabbed towels and secured them on Mallory's hands and arm to stop the bleeding. Mallory was now aware of what was happening. She was still crying.

"I'm sorry" was all that kept coming of Mallory's mouth. She was completely freaking out at this point.

"Hey, hey Mal it's ok. Nobody is mad. We were just worried about you and we still are. We're going to take you to the hospital to get stitched up. Does that sound ok?"  Christen said quietly and soothingly into Mal's ear.

All Mallory could do was nod slowly. Christen slowly helped Mallory stand up. Upon Mallory's first step she fell onto Christen. It became evident to everyone that she wouldn't be able to walk down the stairs and into the car. All the blood loss and heavy crying made her very lightheaded. Alex and Kelly both out one arm around the slim girl and carried her downstairs into the car. Christen sat in the backseat with Mal. Mal laid across the back with her head in Christen's lap. Christen played with Mallory's hair to soothe the girl. Mallory had calmed down a lot since they started driving.

"Chris, it hurts really bad. They sting and burn" Mal half cried while saying it.

"It's ok Mal, we know. But you are so brave and strong and you're gonna be ok" Christen promised her.

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