Part 21

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In the living room, Kelly was on the phone with Jill giving her the extent of Mallory's injuries. Mal laid  on the bed and had an idea of what was going to happen. She knew she had to play it tough. She wasn't surprised when she heard the knock on the door and saw Christen come inside. She let out a side.

"Mal, I love you and I am sorry if I hurt you. Seeing you in this much pain hurts me so much. I miss seeing you everyday and taking care of you. Please talk to me I need to know that you are ok" after no response, she continued. She looked at Mal and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "Do you remember that talk I gave you after the you scored the winning goal at the World Cup. I told you that you were my family, like my daughter. I told you that I would always be here for you and that I would never leave you. I mean it now, more than ever" Christen said speaking softly but wanting Mal to understand the point. Mal looked up at her and Christen saw the tear running down her face. "C'mon Mal, talk to me." Christen said trying again.

"I didn't want to hurt you. Everybody I loved dies and I don't want anything to happen to you guys" Mal said in the most broken and shaky voice  Christen had ever heard from Mal.
Mal saw the tears running down Christen's face.

"Mal, that's why you weren't talking to us?" Christen asked in a surprised voice. Mallory slowly nodded her head. "Mallory, there is nothing you could have ever done, do you hear me. Nobody dying was your fault. I promise you that none of us are going anywhere, anytime soon. I promise you." Christen said in a firm tone.

At this point Mal and Christen were both crying. Mal now laid on her back with her head under Christen's arm. Christen had her other arm across her chest and held Mallory's hand. The arm under Mallory's head began rubbing the girls hair to calm her down.

" I was so worried when you went down today. My heart stopped. Hell, I'm still worried about you." Christen spoke softly.

"Christen it hurts so bad" Mal cried out.

"I know, I know baby. You are still so brave and strong though. Why don't you try to sleep for a little bit. In 2 hours, I have to wake you up to check on you because of your concussion." Christen told her. Mallory closed her eyes and fell asleep with Christen holding her. That's how Kelly found them when she went to check up on them. Kelly, Tobin, and Alex decided to stay up and talk until they had to wake up Mal in two hours.

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