Part 24

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After the movie, everybody slowly left the room. Mal had fallen asleep almost three hours ago. She was still laying on Alex and Christen. Her fever was still bad. Right now, it was just the residents of the room sitting in the living room. Once they were able to wake Mal up, they noticed how horrible she really felt. Her fever made her seem very out of it. She sat their leaning fully on Christen.

"She's really warm right now. We should get a thermometer. Also, she needs her pain medicine. She hasn't had it in about 7 hours. This is the first time since her surgery she hasn't had meds and I don't think she's ready to stop like that. She's still in too much pain" Christen said. Tobin walked over and got Mal her medicine and water so she could take them. She also grabbed the thermometer. After a few minutes the thermometer beeped. It read 101.7.

"Shit that's pretty high. No wonder she feels like crap" Tobin said.

"It is high, but the doctor said we should take her somewhere if it goes above 103. For now we're just gonna have to let her sleep it off and keep her comfortable. Let's get her to bed" Christen replied. Christen stood up in front of Mal and attempted to pull her up. She was unable to pull her up by herself. Alex got on the other side of Mal. Each of them were able to carefully pull Mal into a standing position. Mal's legs were extremely wobbly and weak. She went to take a step and almost fell. Alex was able to catch her arm in time. This sent a horrible pain shooting through her collarbone and ribs. Mallory sucked in a painful breath and began swaying. The nausea from her medicine combined with her fever were not helping Mal.

"Christen" was the only thing Mallory was able to get out before everything went black. It was like it was in slow motion. Christen made eye contact with Mal and she looked like she was going to be sick. The next thing she knew, Mal was putting more and more weight on her and her eyes were closed and her head slumped. She had passed out. Christen was now holding all of her weight and was failing entirely. She quickly called for help. As Mal fell, Alex was able to get a hand under her waist to hold her up. Kelly was the closest and was able to carefully scoop Mal up into bridal position. She carried her into the room and laid her on the bed. As she was placing her on the bed, Mal finally began to come to again. Her eyes slowly blinked open. She wasn't able to say anything. Only a groan came out. Tobin and Carli came in with ice packs and wet rags to place over the girl. Even though Mallory was burning up, she felt freezing. The ice had Mallory shivering with the chills. This made her feel worse. Christen sat there trying to comfort the girl but felt like she was failing. At this point Mal was crying out in pain and discomfort. Christen stroked her hair and rubbed her cheek gently. On her other side. Kelly laid next to her and held her hand and curled up beside her.

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