Part 7

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4 1/2 hours later Mal and Christen were still asleep. Mal's hand was holding tight onto Alex's shirt. Tobin has just left the room to go talk to Jill, who would be returning soon. Kelly now sat next to Alex with her shoulder leaning onto her friend. Kelly was very upset about Dansby, but she wouldn't show this in front on Mal. Mal had been one of Kelly's best friends and she always found herself doing stuff with the couple since they started dating about 6 years ago.

The door slowly opened and Julie and Carli peeped through. "Hey guys, how is she ?" Carli asked while walking over the bed. Christen has heard the conversation and was mostly awake now. However, she didn't move from her position because she didn't want to wake Mal up.

"She's not doing so well, but that's to be expected I guess" Alex said while rubbing Mal's cheek slowly like she had been doing for the past 4 hours.

"She's been through too much in these past three years. Never would I thought, looking back at the last World Cup, that all this could happen to our baby Mal." Julie said.

"About that, have you guys noticed how skinny she has gotten" Alex said in a tone just above a whisper. "I saw earlier when I took clothes into the bathroom when she was taking a bath."

"Yes, I have definitely noticed" Christen replied quickly. "Laying here I can feel her every rib. She's always been skinny but not this fragile looking." Chris added. Just then Tobin walked through the door.

"Jill said she's going to order all of us some food and bring it to our room, so pick out what you want from Panera and I'll text her the order." Tobin said.
————————————————————————15 minutes later everyone had decided what they wanted. Julie asked if they should wake her up so she could eat. Everyone thought it was a good idea but they were going to wait till the food was here so she could get as much sleep as possible.

Tobin asked what they should order her.

"She only ever eats healthy foods like salad. She barely eats junk food" Kelly said.

"We can't get her a salad. She needs some real food that will fill her up. Some comfort food." Alex said making a good point.

"Get her Mac n Cheese in a bread bowl. Mal loves pasta" Carli told them. Once all the food was order they all waited around. Then they heard the knock on the door. Jill was here.

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