Chapter 29 - Piece of pie

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Samantha's POV (from twelve years ago)

I woke up among dead bodies. The room was dark with black walls and only a faint lamp in the corner giving us light. It was cramped with dead bodies, and I'd been thrown somewhere in the middle of the pile. It stunk of rotten flesh, and the scene could probably have been one straight out of a horror movie.

Although a very strange situation, I couldn't really say this is the weirdest place I've woken up in, so I took everything in with a calm and relaxed posture.

Am I dead? Fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge-

'No.' Someone said. Quickly, I scanned the room in search of the source, but my eyes only found more dead bodies. I gasped. The zombie apocalypse! It was here! After all this time spent preparing, it's finally here! Now, I can kill people without going to jail! Now, I can take over every fast food place and in doing so- rule the whole world! Muahahaha! Yes! Yes, I could feel my grand plan coming togethe-


Man, this zombie really needs to work on her vocabulary.

'We need to escape,' the zombie spoke again. It didn't sound like something dead though. And trust me; I would now. I listen to my teachers at school every day, and this zombie sounds more alive to me than they do.

Oh no! Does that indicate all my teachers are zombies? I mean, that would explain everything...

'Stop it!' the zombie suddenly said and I startled.

'Listen to me!' It yelled. I mean, take a chill pill and eat some pizza, why don't you?

The probably-zombie continued, 'First look for a way out. We need to get out of here now or else we'll die.'

I chuckled a little, "I don't think you have anything to worry about then."


I laughed at her play at cluelessness. But fooling me wasn't that easy. "You know, considering the fact you're a zombie."

'I'm not a freaking zombie!' She said. 

"That's exactly what a zombie... wouldn't say, actually." I sat still for a while, thinking. "Hm. Okay, I believe you're not a zombie. Now, how do we get out of here then, all knowing spirit/maybe-zombie?"

The thing sighed before answering. 'We need to first look for a way out. The must be a door around or something.'

I tried standing up, but my attempts were futile as I continuously tripped on limp limbs and older fragments of bones and skulls. Althewhile, the smell stung my nose and I grunted in frustration. 

"Who knew dead bodies could be so annoying," I muttered to myself as I once again stumbled over an arm and fell on my butt. This time, instead of trying to stay up again I decided to remain sitting and looked around.

"I don't see any doors, all knowing spirit... slash maybe-zombie," I told her, defeated. 

'Look up then', she said and I did as suggested. There! Up in the incredibly high ceiling sat some kind of hatch, meaning there probably was a shutter or some kind of way out at least. 

But the distance between me and the ceiling was way too far. I shook my head and crossed my arms. "No way I'm climbing up there."

'No way you're not climbing up there.'

"Give me a break! What do you suppose I do? Build a mountain of bodies-" I stopped. The idea actually sounded good. But hey, what else would you suspect from an awesome person as me? "Hey, let's build a mountain of bodies!"

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