Chapter 1

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He yells at me, telling me how much of a fuck up I am, making me drop the glass cup I was washing in fear. This only angers him even more. He picks up one of the pieces, and throws it at my face, making a big, but luckily not so deep, cut across my cheek. I whimper but don't say anything more.

He finally calms down, and soon storms out of the kitchen and into 'our' room. Nothing's mine anymore. Everything's his, even me, even my body. I'm just another toy, property of his, one he can punch and throw around.

But I can't do anything. He's too powerful. His dad's friends with the police department. He won't let me leave.

I wipe away the tears with the back of my hand, and pick up the broken glass, just like I do with my heart every time he does this to me. I have a glass heart, and it's being shattered every time he yells at me, touches me, and soon, I won't be able to glue it back together again.
I finish with the rest of the dishes, making sure everything in the kitchen was spotless. He doesn't like it when the kitchen is dirty. He doesn't like it when the house is dirty.

I've been with Christopher for two years now. He was good to me when we first started. He'd hold my hand, and kiss me, and tell me I was beautiful, but when he holds my hand now, it's to hold it down so I can't move, when he kisses me now, it's against my own will, and he doesn't tell me I'm beautiful anymore, he just laughs and says I'm lucky to even have a boyfriend.

After I moved in with him, that's when everything went wrong. He started smiling less, and talking to me less. I thought it was because of school, because college was taking a toll on him. I wouldn't know though because I never went to college, that's one of the things I had to give up for the band.

The band. Austin, and the boys, they don't know. I can't tell them. Chris threatened me that if he found out, well I'd rather not repeat what he said.

I want to tell Austin so badly. The truth is, I've fallen out of love with Chris a long time ago. It's Austin that I really care about, and it always has been, I just never realized it until it was too late. I want him to take me away from here, save me from him, but I know that's far fetched.

I haven't seen him in two months now. Chris only lets me leave the house when we have to record or go on tour, but other then that, I don't have any contact with the outside world. He doesn't even let me use my phone. I know Austin's always calling and texting me, because when Chris is gone, I take a look through my notifications. He doesn't know if I looked or not, but he does know if I use it, and it's agony knowing safety is so close yet so far away.

I walk into 'our' room, and quietly sit down on the bed.

"I hate it when you stutter."
"Sorry. I, um, I have to call Austin because we're going on tour soon, and I need to know the plan.", I say, trailing off.

He sits up on the bed, "Alan. You know I support you with the band and all, but don't you think it's getting old? I mean, don't you want to go to college, or stay here with me?"

I stay silent.

"You should quit the band."

My eyes widen, "No! I can't quit the band, it's the only thing I love...I mean, besides you."

He can't make me quit. It's the only thing left that matters to me.

He sighs, "Fine. But after this tour, you're quitting."

My mouth falls open. No. No, he's taken everything, but I won't let him take this.

He throws the phone at me, and I frantically pick it up and walk out of the room. Austin's the first name on my contact list. I smile as soon as I see his name. The number 20 is next to his name in parenthesis, letting me know I have twenty missed texts from him, just from today. I sigh, and tap on his name. It rings three times, and on the fourth ring, I hear his voice ring through. My heart stops.

"Hey Austin."
"Oh my god! Alan, I've missed you so much. What happened, why have you been ignoring my texts and calls?"
"Sorry, um...stuff happened. Listen, Austin, when do you need me, you know for the tour and all."
"I can't believe you're just asking now, we're leaving next week, and you're guitars been with me for the two months, so you obviously haven't been practicing."

Christ doesn't like it when I play the guitar, it reminds him of the band, and he' not very fond of the guys, especially Austin.

"Do you want me to pick you up tonight? The more time you have to learn the songs, the better."
"Yeah, as long as it's not an inconvenience to you."
He chuckles, and my heart melts, "Aw. Alan, you're never an inconvenience. I'm at Tino's, but I'll leave right now, and I have to stop back at my house, but then I'll be on my way. It'll give you some time to pack. I'll see you in about an hour and... thirty minutes?"
I smile, "Ok. Bye, see you soon."

Now for the heard part, telling Chris.

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