Chapter 12{ Ruins}

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I got home to see my house in ruins I started searching frantically for my family I turned everything in my part up side down I started searching I didn't see my any of my family bodies among the dead bodies.

So i signed in relief that means they were all still alive but where in gods name where they.

I was still searching my house maybe they we're under all this debris I was still searching  everywhere when i had  heard a scream I quickly left where I was and followed the sound.

The more I came closer to the scream the more I sounded like the person was in pain or was been tortured.

I then came to a clear opening  I first saw  a body on the ground i then looked closely and saw that it was my mom in blood she was bleeding like seriously bleeding.

I then saw my dad both shoulder twisted and dislocated and his fingers when gone remaining the remaining hand I saw my brother on the ground not moving I then screamed with all my might NOOOOO.

I dont know who you are but stop this very instant i screamed again.

The person who was torturing my parent was wearing a black cloak and he was facing my dad so I couldn't see his face.

I then shouted again stop this!!  This very instant he then told ten other people who looks likes elves I then covered my mouth so this we're the dark elves their eyes we're black with pale skin and dark pointed ears they smiled or should I call it a smirk that was so cruel and disgusting.

Thank God my father taught me how to defend myself in situations like this they came like predators stalking their prey.

My dad then screamed Madison run I stood my ground am never one to back down in a fight.  I was in rage coupled with the grief and  fear of losing my family all these were what I was feeling that very instant.

But the one that surpass every other emotions was rage . I screamed how dare you I didn't no how i moved I just saw 7 dark elves on the ground the leader  then turned  pissed because I killed his minions like flies his eyes we're the darkest blacks eyes; I have ever seen with the bloodiest red around it iris he had jet black hair he then smirked.

And in my presence he  sucked out my parents soul my mom wasn't even moving again my dad just fell to the ground with a trud.

I screamed NOOOOO as I then kicked him.  twisted his arm to the  back  gave him a hard core jab to his face. I then bent down so fast because of my sharp and fast reflex took my twin daggers from my boot and we started fighting I was in rage I stabbed him In  his left arm before wanting to stab him in the chest.

Before he shifted I later stabbed him in his rib cage he was now pissed as he then punched me on the stomach and hitting me on the head with his sword I fell and started seeing black dot. 

Before I knew it I then saw asher pouring his flames on him with Adrian in its back with other dragon riders  as he jumped from Asher's back to start  fighting with the dark cloak guy.

the cloaked man just smirked and vanished but before vanishing he said I will be back for u Madison I almost puked when he said my name.

I then ran to my dad and saw that his face was so white and pale Almost transparent I started crying dad please wake up I ran to my mum side mum you have to wake I ran to Anthony side no Anthony darling please wake up for ur sister please I started crying  uncontrollabl.

Before Adrian came to my side to attempt to lift me up and said Madison we have to go they are all dead . I then scream and told him they are not dead.

I shaked my head no they are not dead they can't be dead as I screamed before blacking out.

The Dragon Blade  {Ongoing and Editing} Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang