let's get this straight...

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   You spun around quickly, and stared at the monster in front of you. His bulky shoulders rolling slowly as he looked at you expectingly for an answer. Which, you didn't give.... His razor red pinpricks boring into you deeply, and with a step forward, you stepped back.

His hands lifting from the warmth of his pockets to slam on either side of your head. His eyes traced your face carefully, but his frown showed no patience. He took deep, and unhurried breathes..it snapped you into reality. He was here, and so were you. You didn't like how both eyesockets had went completely black. It creeped you out on multiple ways than one. Your eyes darting everywhere but him, until he finally spoke.

"Say, dollface.....I understand why you would want to run away, but not lookin' me in the eyes is a bit disrespectful, dont'cha think?"

   You sneered and glared at him intensely, your fight or flight instincts kicking in. And the first to respond was fight.

"I don't give respect to those that don't respect me, you a-"

   His boney hand slammed against your (l/c) lips, his right eye igniting with a red flame, thats smoke spilled onto the floor and pooled around and under your feet. You whimpered as your eyes widened to their maximum width, your (e/c) eyes shooting to him yet again. His frown had deepened, and he no longer held his anger in a civilized manner. If you could even call it that...

"Now, pretty. You don't gotta like me, but you sure as hell shouldn't treat a man of power with disrespect. Even if I don't give ya respect in return. Learn the easy way, or learn my way, princess..."

   He growled with a threatening tone, the fear you had for him deepening. The hole you had dug for yourself was deep, and it looked to be like it went on forever. When would it stop?..

     He saw the flicker of miserableness in your eyes, and grinned with satisfaction. That is exactly what he wanted to see. It's what made this all worth while. Now, he could get away with anything, and you wouldn't fight it....he knew your hope had died when he threatened you. He KNEW it would go his way. He just knew it. But, he wanted to see more of that precious and delicious face you made.

He leaned down slowly, his hands sliding down and gripping onto your hips tightly, and with a firm pull, you were chest to chest with him. His teeth made gentle contact with your lips, purposefully slow, making you shiver with disgust. He grinned and slowly snaked his hand up, and onto your cheek, cupping it with such care. His eyes still watchful and observant as ever.

Your stomach twisted and turned violently, your mind screaming at you to rip away from him as quickly as you could... But you couldn't... something about his gentle touch was dangerous, and the way he looked at you was daring....oh he was just daring you to go against him. But you were smarter than that. Your hands staying at your sides, though your fingers twitched with the itch to slap him. He pulled away and chuckled, licking his teeth seductively.

"Oh, so you like that...eh, buttercup?"

You glared at him, but didn't move. He saw you bite your bottom lip and soon looked down to stare at your plump (l/c) lips, a look of pure desire taking over his features. His thoughts wandering elsewhere. You didn't want to know where either, last night and just now was enough to show you how sympathetic he was. Which was absolutely none. You bit down on your lip harder from a nervous habit you had developed while living with- your breath caught in your throat at the realization..

Toriel...you were living with Toriel when you developed that habit...it drove her crazy, to the point she wanted to fix what you had picked up. You wondered if someone had cleaned up her dust...or if anyone even cared. The answer to that question was immediately no...
Why would the people of that city care about a goat monster that barely came out of her home? Let alone her living room....that room was her favorite....other than the kitchen, of course. But she spent more time there than any other room in her small, cozy house. She occasionally visited your room, and occasionally walked in the small garden in her backyard. She went there often enough to keep those beautiful roses alive....now, they were probably shriveling and dying right along with her..you couldn't help but tear up at the thoughts of your wonderful and caring mother...even if she wasn't blood related, she was tied to your soul, and a very important piece to the puzzle you called life. Now, that piece was gone, missing forever. Never going to be found again.....you let your head hang as your shoulders heaved.

Sans was startled by the steep change in your attitude. From snappy and fierce, to breaking down in front of him...his eyes shot around the room, but always landed back on you. He was nervous, and his back straightened almost too quickly, causing him to wince.


His hands went to your face, and with a quick movement, your left hand met his cheek with a loud pop. You glared at him as his own hand immediately shot to his now reddened cheek.


You screamed. That was when you went ballistic. Hands and feet flying aimlessly, trying to hit the murder in front of you. He of course dodged them all effortlessly, but his surprise was clear on his features. He did NOT expect that sudden outburst. His surprise soon turned into anger as he grabbed your wrists roughly, his eyes wide with rage.

He yanked you onto the floor and grabbed something from the shelf that had jars of human body parts. The latch of a collar clipping onto your neck reaching your ears almost instantly. You gasped, your hands flying to your neck and tugging at the leather that was now wrapped securely around your neck. An obvious claiming tactic that kept other Mafia's away from the opposing boss's property, unless they wanted a fight to go down. He yanked you up and quickly hooked a leash onto the collar, glaring at you intensely.

"Since you're acting like an animal, I'll treat you like an animal..!"

Your throat tightened, and a sob almost broke out, but you swallowed it as quickly as it had came. How could this happen to you... Why did it have to be you?! You wanted to hurt him, to maltreat him while he was strapped to an electric chair, with thick ropes and leather straps to kept HIM down. But the shock had hit you too hard already.

You were like a deer in headlights. Just, staring. Wondering when that light would die down, and let you go free and back into your own world...freedom. what a sublime thing to say...it was so close, yet so far away.. Why her... Why now....

Why you?
[Please share this story so I can get more veiws, votes, and comments! I love reading what you guys have to say. The next part will be coming soon, toodles!]

An Angel's clipped wings (🔵mafia🔴 x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now