Chapter 1 - Once Upon a Time...There Was a Makeover

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My life was undeniably uneventful. I went to school, I got good grades, I had a crush on a gorgeous guy who didn't even know my name, I stayed at home on the weekends watching television shows and fangirling. I wasn't a shy person and I wasn't all that quiet but I didn't dare show any of the talents that my parents constantly told me I had. I mean, I guess I could sing, kind of and I could play guitar and piano but I was too nervous to show anyone. I loved books and I went through so many I was sure the library was sick of me. As far as life went, I loved mine, everything was great but it was, I guess.

Friday night, I was lying down in bed reading an amazing book even though I couldn't remember it's name when I was hit by a tonne of feelings. This happened a lot. It was like I was so into the book and it was written so well that I was pinched with feelings and I had to close the book for a moment. Weird I know but oh well, there was nothing I was going to do about it. I guess it was just because it made me feel about life.

Here I was, seventeen years old, with no love life, no specific excitement and I've never been kissed. I guess the overwhelming feels were just part of thinking about my life. The main character had just realised that they had feelings towards each other after denying their attraction for so long and their heated argument turned into a kiss. If only things like that could happen in real life. If only life could be like a book with gorgeous heroes, romance, excitement and love.

"If I could have one wish, I'd wish that my life was like a book, like a movie, like a story," I muttered to myself as I picked the book back up and continued to read but I couldn't concentrate on it. My mind kept drifting off to school and the school in the book. I mean, in what school do you literally get detention for not doing your homework, once, for the first time ever? Not in my school. Detention doesn't work that way and even if it did, you're not sent to detention that day, it's always at least the day after because the school have to notify your parents first.

No one gets shoved in a locker because lockers aren't floor length. Most of the lockers are split in two and then there are the few unlucky people who have smaller lockers that are split into three.

Teachers are pretty unbearable but there are none that are particularly evil and hates one students guts because of a grudge on their parent over something they did in the past. There are also no completely amazing and cool ones that all the students love because not only are they great teachers but they are also fun and understanding.

Life just doesn't work like it does in books, movies and tv shows. I can only imagine if it did. If I got the chance to be a protagonist, it would be awesome. I would have adventure, excitement, romance. Guys are like they are in books in real life. Even if they were all romantic and sweet, they would be too scared out of their minds to show it. Plus, guys who are as gorgeous and hot and handsome as they are in books and movies just don't go for girls like me. Girls who are plain, not outgoing, quite weird (even though weirdness is a side effect of awesomeness), girls who are just hoping that they can find someone who will like them enough to make their first kiss special.

But if only life could be like that. If only my life could be like a book or a movie. And that was my last thought before I drifted off to dreamland for the night.

*     *     *     *     *

"Ellie! Wake up!" Shauna called as she shook my shoulder and I jolted awake, my arms and legs flying everywhere, kicking underneath the sheets madly.

"Wha-What's going on? Shauna? Damn, you know I'm not good in the morning. Why are you waking me up?" I complained, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and rubbing my hands over my face to try and wake myself up. I attempted to run a hand through my hair (the key word being attempted) but my hand got caught in the tangles and I ended up with more knots that were going to be a disaster to brush out.

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